The Backlog Check-in Vol. 58: 2/9/19: Crackdown 3/Far Cry: New Dawn/Metro Exodus Edition

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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 58: 2/9/19: Crackdown 3/Far Cry: New Dawn/Metro Exodus Edition

Post by Phaseknox »

I'm playing Dying Light again, and enjoying it a lot more this time. It helps when you can actually see the graphics. :P I'm also more in the mood for it now, and knew what to expect going in. I'm accustomed to the controls, and I'm digging the overall concept as well. It's clicking with me a lot more this second time, and I plan on sticking with it until the end.
argyle wrote: Mon Feb 11, 2019 4:15 amOne question for anyone else that's played the PS4 version tho (so, probably anyone else who's played it here) - why do I have all of the outfits and, as soon as I got a gun, apparently all of the guns too? Is that something to do with it being the "anniversary" edition? Just seems...odd.
I got the Xbox 360 version at launch, but I assume that stuff is because it's the Anniversary Edition.
argyle wrote: Mon Feb 11, 2019 11:36 amYou still haven't played Bloodborne either, have you?
I still haven't played it either, but I own it.
argyle wrote: Mon Feb 11, 2019 11:36 amI'm really looking forward to Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.
Me too, it looks a lot like Tenchu which is one of my favorite action stealth game series.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 58: 2/9/19: Crackdown 3/Far Cry: New Dawn/Metro Exodus Edition

Post by argyle »

Yeah I didn't figure it was literally ALL of the guns, but I just thought it odd that I picked up a revolver and suddenly had an entire arsenal. :P Other ppl probably like those "extras", I prefer to advance through the game normally myself. Not to put out over it in this tho, tbh. The game is fun enough, but it also feels kinda "by-the-numbers".

And Phase, I loved Dying Light. It did take it a little bit to "click" with me, but once it did I was hooked. One piece of advice, if you haven't already take the camouflage ability ASAP. It makes trying to do stuff while dealing with the hordes of zombies SOOO much easier. Game was very frustrating for me until I did that.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 58: 2/9/19: Crackdown 3/Far Cry: New Dawn/Metro Exodus Edition

Post by Phaseknox »

argyle wrote: Tue Feb 12, 2019 2:29 pmPhase, I loved Dying Light. It did take it a little bit to "click" with me, but once it did I was hooked. One piece of advice, if you haven't already take the camouflage ability ASAP. It makes trying to do stuff while dealing with the hordes of zombies SOOO much easier. Game was very frustrating for me until I did that.
I'm loving it now as well, but (like you) it took a little while to really click with me. The problem is that it's hard from the start, and all that you have at the beginning are weak melee weapons that are pretty much useless so you just have to run a lot. Being underpowered and dying a lot over and over again when just starting a game isn't fun, but I stuck with it because there's a lot to like about it and after doing several side quests I got lots of crafting materials to craft better weapons and skill points to unlock more abilities/skills. While the game remains hard, at least you eventually get better weapons and abilities/skills to make it more reasonable.

I played it for a good part of yesterday dumping a lot of hours into it, and I was having a blast most of the time. There were times when it angered me as well, but some of those times were my fault because I was playing it impatiently. The game requires strategy a lot of the time because you're outnumbered and underpowered, and crafting resources are limited so you can't craft a lot of stuff so you have to make what you craft count.

I like the story and characters, including the main protagonist. While my preference is usually playing as a female character from a third person perspective, I'm still fine playing as a male character if they're likable (which they're often not IMO) and I like a first person perspective if a game is better played from that view which this one is.

It hasn't offered me the camouflage ability yet, but I'll be sure to get it as soon as it does. Thanks for the tip.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 58: 2/9/19: Crackdown 3/Far Cry: New Dawn/Metro Exodus Edition

Post by Phaseknox »

A better name for Dying Light would be Die and Retry, because that's primarily what you do in it. After dumping some serious time into it today I'm left both exhausted from continuously running back and forth long distances fighting to survive, and infuriated from dying over and over again to the point of quitting.

The normal setting of the game is more like hard, and there's no easy setting to lower it to. Enemies both human and zombie take a ridiculous amount of hits to kill even with powerful weapons, but you die only after a few hits. Your weapons (that you spend a lot of time upgrading to make more powerful) break and need repaired only after hitting enemies a few times, and your health only regenerates to 25% (35% with a skill unlock). You need to use medkits to regain health, and they have to be crafted. If you don't have the materials to craft them with then you're **** out of luck which is the majority of the time.

The frustration of dying and being sent to a safe house that's almost always far from where you were is bad enough, but the game penalizes you even more for dying by taking away large amounts of your survival points. Survival points are used to unlock survival abilities and skills, but having them taken away from you when you die prevents you from ever being able to unlock survival abilities and skills. So all of the effort and work that you put into the game to earn them is taken away in a instant if you die. It's cheap and unfair, plain and simple.

There's hordes of zombies EVERYWHERE never giving you a break from them, and while that would be bad enough there's also lots of fast zombies (just turned) which chase you relentlessly forcing you to have to fight them. They're really fast and dodge your attacks most of the time, and hit back fast killing you quickly. When you're up against more than one at a time it's basically game over. The human enemies also block and dodge the majority of your attacks, and deflect any throwing weapons like knives and shurikens. It's to the point of absurdity.

There's a lot to like about the game, and it would have been one of the best zombie games that I've played if they had made it more reasonable. But they ruin the experience by making it frustratingly difficult most of the time. It needed an easy setting to make the experience more fun for those of us who don't like to have to struggle to survive every step of the way through a game. A few simple things like the enemies taking less hits to kill, weapons not breaking and regenerating health would have made it a much more enjoyable experience, but as it is now it's too hard to be fun IMO.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 58: 2/9/19: Crackdown 3/Far Cry: New Dawn/Metro Exodus Edition

Post by isthatallyougot »

I think I'll really enjoy Dying light whenever I get around to it phase, but I can certainly understand the frustration you're feeling. For this type of game though, I think I would enjoy the challenge - as a part of the overall vibe, but if it's just overwhelming, I may not. Anyway, I'll find out if I ever get to it.

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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 58: 2/9/19: Crackdown 3/Far Cry: New Dawn/Metro Exodus Edition

Post by Phaseknox »

isthatallyougot wrote: Fri Feb 15, 2019 9:34 amI think I'll really enjoy Dying light whenever I get around to it phase, but I can certainly understand the frustration you're feeling. For this type of game though, I think I would enjoy the challenge - as a part of the overall vibe, but if it's just overwhelming, I may not.
I think that you'll really enjoy it, too. I was somewhat liking the challenge at times because it made me play more strategic which resulted in some rewarding outcomes, but it started becoming too overwhelming for me. It turned into a constant struggle and fight for survival, and I just couldn't keep up with it anymore.

I'm not into really challenging high-octane action games these days, they're just too much for me now. I basically only like action adventure games and RPGs (linear and open world) these days, they're pretty much all that I'm interested in playing. Pure action games and shooters that never let up with waves of relentless enemies and non-stop combat every step of the way are too demanding for me to keep up with now.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 58: 2/9/19: Crackdown 3/Far Cry: New Dawn/Metro Exodus Edition

Post by isthatallyougot »

Phaseknox wrote: Fri Feb 15, 2019 6:49 pm
isthatallyougot wrote: Fri Feb 15, 2019 9:34 amI think I'll really enjoy Dying light whenever I get around to it phase, but I can certainly understand the frustration you're feeling. For this type of game though, I think I would enjoy the challenge - as a part of the overall vibe, but if it's just overwhelming, I may not.
I think that you'll really enjoy it, too. I was somewhat liking the challenge at times because it made me play more strategic which resulted in some rewarding outcomes, but it started becoming too overwhelming for me. It turned into a constant struggle and fight for survival, and I just couldn't keep up with it anymore.

I'm not into really challenging high-octane action games these days, they're just too much for me now. I basically only like action adventure games and RPGs (linear and open world) these days, they're pretty much all that I'm interested in playing. Pure action games and shooters that never let up with waves of relentless enemies and non-stop combat every step of the way are too demanding for me to keep up with now.
But she so loves to play.


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