The Backlog Check-in Vol. 60: 2/23/19: Dirt Rally 2.0 Edition

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The Backlog Check-in Vol. 60: 2/23/19: Dirt Rally 2.0 Edition

Post by canedaddy »


I know nothing about Dirt Rally 2.0 but it's getting some serious hype as a challenging but great game. ... rn-classic

I'm finally back from my trip to Cali. I saw a lot of cool stuff (Redwoods, Golden Gate Bridge, Joshua Tree) and drank a lot of excellent beer (Pliny the Younger), but mostly it was great to hang out with my bro for an extended period.

Played last week: nothing

Finished: nothing

Added to backlog: nothing

Current backlog: 35 (14 PS4, 8 Vita, 6 3DS/2DS, 5 PS2)

Hope you fellers have been well!
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 60: 2/23/19: Dirt Rally 2.0 Edition

Post by isthatallyougot »

Still just playing Dark Souls 3 and loving it, like all the others.

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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 60: 2/23/19: Dirt Rally 2.0 Edition

Post by jfissel »

Welcome back, cane!

Finished: Assassin's Creed: Origins (platinum 59)

Now Playing: Assassin's Creed: Origins DLC

Added to Backlog: Nothing

Current Backlog: 32 games

I completed 2 of the DLCs for Origins, Discovery Tour and Hidden Ones. Curse of the Pharaohs is next (and last)!
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 60: 2/23/19: Dirt Rally 2.0 Edition

Post by Phaseknox »

Played: The Coma Recut, Detention, Mother Russia Bleeds

Finished: Detention

Playing: ?

I haven't been in much of a gaming mood for some reason, so I haven't played anything since I stopped playing The Coma Recut. I plan on playing something, but I don't know what yet.
isthatallyougot wrote: Sun Feb 24, 2019 12:46 pmStill just playing Dark Souls 3 and loving it, like all the others.
I heard that it's a little less brutal in terms of difficulty compared to the first two games, is that true or false?
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 60: 2/23/19: Dirt Rally 2.0 Edition

Post by argyle »

Games added: I got a few things in the mail I know, but I can't remember what right off the top of my head

Last week: Finished The Liar Princess And The Blind Prince and Fe (2 games!!! :o ), played a bit of some other stuff but not a ton of anything else

This week: Unsure, but thinking of diving into Yakuza 0.

Liar Princess is an incredible game. It's short - it only took me 6 hours to play through it - but it's one of those games where it's definitely quality over quantity in terms of playtime. It's a 2D puzzle/platformer with a very unique art style. The gameplay is great, but the story is what really pushes it over the top - it's an original fairy tale very much in the style of Grimm's, with a dark side to the story that really gives it a lot of depth and heart. This is another game I highly recommend, tho I can understand waiting for a price drop.

Fe is...interesting. I guess you'd call it a 3D platformer with zelda/metroidvania elements (you get abilities as you progress that open other areas). The story here is completely nonsensical. There is no dialog in the game, everything is conveyed by actions or cave drawing-style pictures you find. The problem is, these pictures are scattered around and if they have an order, I couldn't tell you what it is. I'm not sure what's going on in them, and I really couldn't even say for sure if they are repeated or not. I *think* they're all unique, but this just shows how much sense they make that I can't even say for sure. At the end of the game, *something* happened. I guess it was good? I'm not exaggerating here, I haven't played through a game and still been this completely clueless about the story in ages. I *THINK* it has some kind of vague environmental message, but I mainly get that from the fact that you are helping animal-esque creatures throughout the game, but then again the ending seems to muddle even that. Look, the game is pretty and it's fun enough to play but the confusing nature of the story combined with the fact that the map is basically useless and it's very difficult to have a sense of where you are in relation to anything else in the leads you where you need to go usually, which is good because otherwise I don't know if I would have finished. Another short one, it doesn't record a time but I'm guessing 6 hours again. So...pretty and decently fun? Would I recommend it? ...I honestly don't know. If it looks appealing to you and you find it cheap (I picked it up last year in a PSN sale for extremely cheap if I recall) then sure, you could do worse.

"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 60: 2/23/19: Dirt Rally 2.0 Edition

Post by isthatallyougot »

Phaseknox wrote: Mon Feb 25, 2019 1:54 pm I heard that it's a little less brutal in terms of difficulty compared to the first two games, is that true or false?
I think that sentiment comes from the fact that once you've played a game in the series, they're naturally less difficult because of their similarity in terms of mechanics, so your familiarity makes them seem less of a challenge. But trying to be objective, no I don't think 3 is any different from the rest so far. Caution, observation, planning. Wash, rinse, repeat. But it's still an absolutely fantastic series for me. The formula is just so good, and the art and sound direction on top of the structure, and it's just hard to beat imo.
argyle wrote: Mon Feb 25, 2019 3:08 pm but thinking of diving into Yakuza 0.
Curious to hear your take if you play it. I can't remember your experience with the series - what have you played? (I've only played the original on PS2 and 0.)

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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 60: 2/23/19: Dirt Rally 2.0 Edition

Post by argyle »

isthatallyougot wrote: Mon Feb 25, 2019 4:00 pm Curious to hear your take if you play it. I can't remember your experience with the series - what have you played? (I've only played the original on PS2 and 0.)
I've played a good bit of the original (over half I know) way back in the day, and I finished 3 last gen. I think I'm settled on playing through 0 now, but I've been flighty lately picking something to play, so I won't swear to it just yet. :P

So looks like the Japanese beat us at box art yet again:


"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis

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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 60: 2/23/19: Dirt Rally 2.0 Edition

Post by isthatallyougot »

argyle wrote: Tue Feb 26, 2019 11:35 am I think I'm settled on playing through 0 now, but I've been flighty lately picking something to play, so I won't swear to it just yet. :P
Sometimes when I have that feeling, I use this I put in the games I'm considering, and whatever comes out #1 on the randomization, I just play that. I don't do it that often, but sometimes making choices is hard.


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