The Backlog Check-in Vol. 6: 2/10/18: Kingdom Come: Deliverance Edition

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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 6: 2/10/18: Kingdom Come: Deliverance Edition

Post by argyle »

Games added: Gintama Rumble, Vesta, The Coma, UnEpic, Cursed Castilla EX (vita), Shadow of the Colossus CE (technically tho I'm trading it this week so I don't really count it :P)

Last week: Mainly Monster Hunter World, with some Xenoblade 2, Symphony of the Night, Gintama Rumble & SotC thrown in.

This week: More MHW, and I'm looking forward to firing up Dynasty Warriors 9 tomorrow. :D

Had a lot of Play Asia (pre)orders come in last week. I need to post a bunch of stuff in the haul thread actually, imports I've picked up but never posted mainly. Gintama Rumble is fun, a Dynasty Warriors-like based on an anime so it's cell shaded and pretty nice looking. Got the itch to do yet another play of SotN, so I fired it up on the Vita. Doing another luck mode playthrough which is pretty tough up front but levels out quite a bit the further in you get.

I watched a trailer for Kingdom Come a few weeks back because a friend of mine has been talking about it a lot. Actually, I watched the first 3 mins or so of the trailer before closing it and deciding I'd just as soon never have to play that game if at all possible. :) The first thing was the guy talking about how there's no sight when you're using your bow because of "realism" (but there's a sight clearly shown at all times up UNTIL he pulled out the bow, so having a sight while walking around IS realistic?). But the part that really got me was the phrase "...based on authentic 15th century sword fighting techniques". Nope. Done. I'm out. I don't think I've *EVER* thought there should be more "authentic 15th century sword fighting techniques" in video games. Heck, I don't think I've ever said "what that game needed was to be MORE REALISTIC" about any game ever. If I wanted realism, I'd go to a renaissance faire or find a LARPing group. :P For comparison, here's the new IP RPG I'm really looking forward to that's coming out this year:

Oh, and...
canedaddy wrote: Mon Feb 12, 2018 3:50 pmI don't think I've seen a game with more beautiful environments.
*cough*Assassin's Creed: Origins*cough* ;)
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 6: 2/10/18: Kingdom Come: Deliverance Edition

Post by Phaseknox »

canedaddy wrote: Mon Feb 12, 2018 3:50 pmI wouldn't say the hunting challenges are filler... more like they're for people who buy very few games and like to squeeze ever ounce out of them. Some of the the challenges were fun, but I got so annoyed at a couple of them that I just said nope.

And I enjoyed getting the collectibles, especially the vantages and Banuk artifacts, since they they involved some light puzzle-solving and got me to visit some interesting areas of the map.
I liked some of the collectible stuff for the reasons that you gave, but after a while that stuff becomes a little overwhelming and the payoff for doing it isn't really worth it IMO. The main and side quests were plenty enough to occupy my time with.
canedaddy wrote: Mon Feb 12, 2018 3:50 pmI mean, sure, I would hope RDR2 would be my GOTY, but I'm not going to assume anything.
Of course you don't know for sure if you will like something more until you actually play it, but come on, Red Dead Redemption 2. :P
argyle wrote: Mon Feb 12, 2018 5:07 pmI'm looking forward to firing up Dynasty Warriors 9 tomorrow.
This would have been the Dynasty Warriors 9 edition of the backlog thread if you had created it, right? :P Do you have any interest in Secret of Mana?
argyle wrote: Mon Feb 12, 2018 5:07 pmI need to post a bunch of stuff in the haul thread actually, imports I've picked up but never posted mainly.
Please do as it might bring my attention to some games that I didn't know about.
argyle wrote: Mon Feb 12, 2018 5:07 pmI watched a trailer for Kingdom Come a few weeks back because a friend of mine has been talking about it a lot. Actually, I watched the first 3 mins or so of the trailer before closing it and deciding I'd just as soon never have to play that game if at all possible.
I didn't think that it would be something that you would be interested in since you usually don't go for lower budget European developed RPGs.
argyle wrote: Mon Feb 12, 2018 5:07 pmThe first thing was the guy talking about how there's no sight when you're using your bow because of "realism" (but there's a sight clearly shown at all times up UNTIL he pulled out the bow, so having a sight while walking around IS realistic?).
I didn't realize that there was always a sight up until you pull out the bow, while that's pretty silly it's not a big deal to me.
argyle wrote: Mon Feb 12, 2018 5:07 pmthe part that really got me was the phrase "...based on authentic 15th century sword fighting techniques". Nope. Done. I'm out. I don't think I've *EVER* thought there should be more "authentic 15th century sword fighting techniques" in video games. Heck, I don't think I've ever said "what that game needed was to be MORE REALISTIC" about any game ever. If I wanted realism, I'd go to a renaissance faire or find a LARPing group. :P
I think that the more methodical realistic melee combat in the game could be a nice change of pace from more arcade-y combat of other games, along with all of the other realistic aspects of it. That's actually one of the reasons why I'm interested in the game, it being more grounded in reality and based on realism unlike a lot of other games especially RPGs. I know that's not for everyone, but I think that it will appeal to me.
argyle wrote: Mon Feb 12, 2018 5:07 pmhere's the new IP RPG I'm really looking forward to that's coming out this year
I'm looking forward to Biomutant as well, but it's definitely something that I can wait to pick up when I can get it for a lot cheaper like I do with almost all of the games that I buy. Kingdom Come: Deliverance is an exception because I'm really in the mood to play it now rather than later, and I know that it will offer enough content to make it worth its $59.99 asking price.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 6: 2/10/18: Kingdom Come: Deliverance Edition

Post by argyle »

Phaseknox wrote: Mon Feb 12, 2018 8:20 pm This would have been the Dynasty Warriors 9 edition of the backlog thread if you had created it, right? :P Do you have any interest in Secret of Mana?
Yes, and yes. :) I meant to comment on it, but I have Secret of Mana preordered as well and will be picking it up when it releases later this week.

I really do hope Kingdom Come is good, both for your sake & my friends. But I have seen some things that would make me hesitant even if I did have an interest in it - the most recent being that there's apparently a *23gb* day-1 patch. :shock: That's nuts, and doesn't exactly instill confidence. If I were you, I'd check out some reviews before plunking down $60 on it.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 6: 2/10/18: Kingdom Come: Deliverance Edition

Post by Phaseknox »

argyle wrote: Mon Feb 12, 2018 9:42 pmI really do hope Kingdom Come is good, both for your sake & my friends. But I have seen some things that would make me hesitant even if I did have an interest in it - the most recent being that there's apparently a *23gb* day-1 patch. :shock: That's nuts, and doesn't exactly instill confidence. If I were you, I'd check out some reviews before plunking down $60 on it.
I read/watched some reviews for it this morning, and they were fairly positive except for mentioning some performance/technical issues. I can accept glitches and open world jank as long as nothing is game breaking, and nothing appears to be based on reviews. I never expected it to be extremely polished anyway since it's a somewhat low budget European developed RPG published by Deep Silver.

It does have a 23GB day one patch which is big and is going to take all day to download, but the additions/fixes that it adds are significant. Instead of the developer submitting the final build to meet the release date and calling it a day which they could have done, they decided to continue to fine-tune some things pretty much up until it was released so that it would be a better experience the day that it came out. I prefer that to the game being delayed, or being an even bigger technical mess.

I was lucky to even get the game today, because GameStop was the only store that got it. I went to Walmart first, and didn't see it in their game cabinet then asked for it but they said that they didn't have it. Then I called Best Buy, and they didn't have it. Then I called Target, and they didn't have it. Then I called GameStop, and they said that they only got their preorders and no extra copies to sell. Then I called the one other GameStop in the area that was further away, and they said that they only had one extra copy to sell and that it was an opened display copy. While I don't like buying opened display copies, it was my only option. Thankfully, it wasn't stickered up.

While I realize that Kingdom Come: Deliverance isn't a big AAA game, I still expected all of the major retail stores to have it today because it's also not some obscure niche Japanese game either. But I learned my lesson that if I ever plan on buying another non AAA game on day one again to call ahead instead of just assuming that at least one of the major retail stores 15 miles away from me has it, because going by today's experience there's a chance that they won't.
Last edited by Phaseknox on Tue Feb 13, 2018 6:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 6: 2/10/18: Kingdom Come: Deliverance Edition

Post by argyle »

Unfortunately for me I saw a video by Jim Sterling that was up early this morning on Dynasty Warriors 9. He's the only YouTuber I follow that's as big of a fan of the series as I am, maybe even moreso. And he hates DW9. After watching him explain & show why in his video, it was pretty much impossible to disagree so I'm passing on it. Really bums me out, but better than finding out after dropping the $60 I suppose. :( Guess I'll wait for the Hyrule Warriors for Switch release to get my Warriors fix.
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 6: 2/10/18: Kingdom Come: Deliverance Edition

Post by Phaseknox »

Sorry to hear that, I know that you're a big Dynasty Warriors fan so it's a shame that the new game is a letdown.

I've been hearing reports of game breaking bugs in Kingdom Come: Deliverance that have me concerned. I can deal with glitches and jank:

but game breaking bugs are a different story. Apparently the developer is working on fixing them now, but it won't do me a lot of good if I run into them before the patch is released.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 6: 2/10/18: Kingdom Come: Deliverance Edition

Post by jfissel »

:lol: Teleporting kick, nice.

I finished the normal time attacks in SotC and now I'm working on my hard playthrough with the hard time attacks to follow. Both will be easier with some of the items that I've already unlocked.

Some pics:

A few of my favs:







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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 6: 2/10/18: Kingdom Come: Deliverance Edition

Post by canedaddy »

Wow, j... that looks great.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 6: 2/10/18: Kingdom Come: Deliverance Edition

Post by isthatallyougot »

Nice pics j! It certainly does look beautiful. (I still prefer the look of the original...don't stone me. :P )

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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 6: 2/10/18: Kingdom Come: Deliverance Edition

Post by Phaseknox »

The Kingdom Come: Deliverance day one patch finally finished downloading at 1am this morning. I played the game for a couple of hours before going to bed, and I liked what I played of it. I can tell that I'm going to be spending a lot of time in its world.

You start in your house and the graphics look like average previous gen graphics with low res textures, but things look a lot better when you go outside. The world is colorful and lush with a lot of realistic foliage, and it feels lived in as it's lively with a lot of NPCs going about their business instead of just standing in place like statues. While it's not Horizon Zero Dawn in terms of visuals, it still looks pretty good. It doesn't seem low budget as much as something a little older that would have came out closer to when the PS4 was released. Character models look pretty good, and aren't recycled. And the voice acting is pretty good as well.

Right away you're given several errands to do that take place within your small town that get you familiar with the play mechanics. You get to test out melee combat by getting into some fistfights, and practicing with a sword. I like the combat as it requires a lot of blocking, and studying your opponent to decide when to strike and where. The game is pretty deep overall with a lot of stats to improve with leveling, and sim type requirements such as needing to eat and sleep. There's lots of information about the time period to read about as well. I like reading it as it engrosses me into the world even more.

The story has been pretty good, and the characters are likable with real emotions and personality. They're not wooden like the characters in The Elder Scrolls and Fallout games. The cut scenes have been good too.

The game in general seems like an old school PC RPG put into a modern open world, and that's a good thing since it's not arcade-y or intrusive with handholding, streamlining and tons of tutorials. It tells you just enough to inform you how to do things without treating you like you're dumb. It seems like an RPG made for hardcore RPG fans instead of something made to appeal to the masses, and that's a nice change of pace from games that try to appeal to everyone. I haven't played too much of it yet, but it already has its hooks in me and I look forward to playing it more.
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