The Backlog Check-in Vol. 16: 4/21/18: Ummm, more God of War? Edition

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The Backlog Check-in Vol. 16: 4/21/18: Ummm, more God of War? Edition

Post by jfissel »

Finished: Nothing

Now Playing: God of War

Added to Backlog: God of War, Yakuza 6: The Song of Life

Current Backlog: 32 games

It doesn't look like anything is coming out this week, so I'm doubling down on God of War. I just had a fantastic boss battle - one of the series' strong points. I have no idea how much of the game I have left and I don't care. I'm just enjoying exploring each area and checking out the scenery.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 16: 4/21/18: Ummm, more God of War? Edition

Post by Phaseknox »

Played: God of War, School Girl Zombie Hunter

Finished: School Girl Zombie Hunter

Playing: God of War

Purchased: God of War

God of War ROCKS!!!! It's an extremely well crafted action adventure game. It's like a mix of classic God of War, Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, The Last of Us and the new Tomb Raider games. Everything about it is well done. The story is entertaining and emotional at times, the characters are likable, the graphics are great, the combat is exciting and visceral, there's light exploration and environment puzzles, there's big menacing bosses and the game is challenging. There's been quite a few times that I've gotten frustrated while playing it, but it just made me play better. There's a lot of upgrades for your axe and armor, and a lot of skills and special moves to unlock as well.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 16: 4/21/18: Ummm, more God of War? Edition

Post by isthatallyougot »

Sounds good phase. I like the fact that it's challenging. I'm assuming there are multiple difficulties like the previous GOWs.

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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 16: 4/21/18: Ummm, more God of War? Edition

Post by Phaseknox »

Yes, there are four difficulty settings. The default is normal, and that's what I've been playing. There's two harder difficulty settings. The game does have a bit of a Soulslike vibe to it, especially for the combat. I think that you'll like it.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 16: 4/21/18: Ummm, more God of War? Edition

Post by canedaddy »

Phaseknox wrote: Mon Apr 23, 2018 11:58 am The game does have a bit of a Soulslike vibe to it, especially for the combat. I think that you'll like it.
Yeah. It's less button-mashy than other GoW's. I've died plenty.

Played this week:

Finished this week: nothing

Added to backlog: God of War

Current backlog: 38 (12 PS4, 11 Vita, 7 PS2, 5 3DS, 2 PS3)
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 16: 4/21/18: Ummm, more God of War? Edition

Post by isthatallyougot »

Soulslike + GOW. You guys are killing me!

I'm tempted to go pick it up right away, but I can't jump in with the other things I'm playing. I'd be afraid I'd not go back to them before I reached a point where I felt like I needed to start over. Ugh!

Plan your ish better izzy!

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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 16: 4/21/18: Ummm, more God of War? Edition

Post by argyle »

Games added: God of War

Last week: Finished nothing, played Elder Scrolls Online & GoW

This week: The same.

Enjoying getting back into ESO w/ Tam & DG. Good times have been had. :)

GoW is amazing, as has already been covered. ;) I haven't gotten to put a ton of time into it yet, but what I have has been extremely impressive. It looks downright stunning on the Pro in 4k. Games like this make me wonder what we could possibly need from a "next gen".
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 16: 4/21/18: Ummm, more God of War? Edition

Post by Phaseknox »

I've played a lot of God of War and I'm still really enjoying it, but I was enjoying it a little more earlier on than where I'm at now. I don't want to spoil anything, but the game is at its best (IMO) when it's an ongoing seamless linear and scripted experience with lots of combat mixed with environment puzzles and loot chests/collectables/items searching off the beaten path. While it hasn't completely strayed from that, it has changed a bit from what it initially was into something a little different. The opinion of this is mixed on other forums with people who feel that the change in structure improves the game, while others seem to share my opinion that it makes things feel a little less focused. Perhaps my opinion will change the more that I play, but right now it's making the game feel somewhat different from what it originally started out as.

I'm also not sure that I like the game having blacksmiths/shops, and an overabundance of upgrades, skills, special attacks, enchantments, runics, talismans and stat increasers. While I like most of these things, I just feel that they went a little overboard with the amount of them as I've been spending more time in menus lately than I would really like.
argyle wrote: Mon Apr 23, 2018 9:36 pmGames like this make me wonder what we could possibly need from a "next gen".
There's already been a lot of talk about the PlayStation 5, and I personally don't get it. The current gen consoles are good to go for several more years as far as I'm concerned.
Last edited by Phaseknox on Tue Apr 24, 2018 7:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 16: 4/21/18: Ummm, more God of War? Edition

Post by Phaseknox »

I played more God of War, and I'm embracing the change in structure a little more. I still somewhat prefer the earlier more tightly focused structure as it made the pacing better IMO, and more of what God of War is. Not every game these days needs to have big open areas to explore with optional side stuff to do, sometimes a more linear, directed and scripted approach is what I'm more in the mood for.

I might have to drop the difficulty down to easy, because the game keeps throwing bigger mobs of enemies at me and it's becoming more frustrating than fun. I really like the combat, but it's less fun when battles become a frantic fight for survival. I know that some people (izzy :P) like that, but these days I just don't really have the patience for it. I want to be challenged, but not frustrated.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 16: 4/21/18: Ummm, more God of War? Edition

Post by Phaseknox »

I dropped the difficulty of God of War down to easy, and it was too easy. I could just throw my axe at the enemies a couple of times and kill them... yawn. It's definitely more exciting when it presents a good challenge, and makes you earn your victories. So I put the difficulty back to normal.

I can't deny that the change in its structure has made it a little less appealing. I was thoroughly enjoying it, and didn't want to put the controller down up until reaching the point where it switches gears a little so to speak. It's like someone not working on it from the beginning came into it during development and said "No, you can't make the entire game linear, directed and scripted (even though it worked perfectly fine for The Last of us). Don't you know that games have to have big open areas to explore, and lots of optional side stuff to do to make gamers happy these days? There needs to be some comic relief as well, so add in a couple of funny characters so things aren't so serious all of the time."

Don't get me wrong, I'm still really liking it. But the change in structure was somewhat unexpected, and I was enjoying it a little more before it. I'm curious to hear what all of you think about it, but I have a feeling that you're all going to like it since I'm usually the odd man out when it comes to my opinion on things. :P
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