The Backlog Check-in Vol. 18: 5/5/18: Where's Argyle? Edition

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The Backlog Check-in Vol. 18: 5/5/18: Where's Argyle? Edition

Post by Phaseknox »

Played: God of War

Finished: Nothing

Playing: God of War

I'm back on board with God of War. :P My complaints still remain about the big open areas and overabundance of optional side content, but I have to remind myself that it's optional side content. Sure it's somewhat of a distraction and seems to have been put in just because it's what a lot of "modern" action adventure games do these days, but I can just do what interests me and ignore the rest which is what I've been doing. I'm primarily sticking to the main storyline, because that's where the game shines.

The graphics are jaw dropping at times, the levels are well designed and the combat is awesome. The combat encounters in the main storyline are challenging but fair, it's the optional side content that presents the tougher enemy encounters. There's extremely difficult optional enemies to fight as well that just seem to be added to give the game a bit of a Soulslike vibe. They seem out of place in a GoW game, but most of the optional side content does IMO.

But the game is still pretty much the game that it starts out as if you strictly stick to the main storyline, and that's basically what I'm doing because the optional side content doesn't really interest me. I like the tighter pace of just moving the story along, because the optional side stuff seems like filler to me.

Where's Argyle?
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 18: 5/5/18: Where's Argyle? Edition

Post by canedaddy »

Played this week:


Finished this week: nothing

Added to backlog: nothing

Current backlog: 38 (12 PS4, 11 Vita, 7 PS2, 5 3DS, 2 PS3)

God of War gets better and better. I've really enjoyed the parts I've played the last two days (a lot of exploration and side stuff).
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 18: 5/5/18: Where's Argyle? Edition

Post by argyle »

I'm still here, life's just been getting in the way lately (and not in the good way).

Games added: Quite a few, not gonna list them all. I decided to pickup a 'bone again (for the final time :P) mainly due to what they're doing with backwards compatibility. Got the X, and the way it breathes new life into last gen (and even OG Xbox) games is incredible. I will give a mention to Everspace tho, which I got digitally on the 'bone Friday but comes out for the PS4 later this month. It's a space shooter in the vein of Freespace (or X-Wing, Tie Fighter...uhh, SW: Starfighter on the PS2 sorta...) combined with a rogue-like. So the areas are randomed every time (but it's space, so it feels very natural) and it's somewhat tough, but the idea is that you gain resources to build up your ship after every run so you get a little better the next time. It's very pick-up-and-play friendly, which is what I've had time for lately, and I highly recommend it for anyone missing those old-school arcadey space shooters.

Last (2) weeks: Dabbling w/ stuff on the 'bone, playing some GoW and Everspace.

This week: More of the same.

I'm not nearly as far in GoW as you guys are, so keep that in mind. But I'm loving what I've gotten to play so far. I love that even tho he's still very gruff and still clearly Kratos, he feels like a much more fleshed out character this time rather than a caricature. I also really like the addition of more exploration and story, tho the focus is still clearly on combat (up to where I am, at least). Of course, I grew tired of the old formula after GoW 2, so I've been excited for the new direction ever since the game was announced. Oh, and it looks absolutely gorgeous as well, which doesn't hurt any. ;)
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 18: 5/5/18: Where's Argyle? Edition

Post by jfissel »

Finished: God of War (story)

Now Playing: God of War (going for platinum)

Added to Backlog: Nothing

Current Backlog: 31 games

I'm working on the last few trophies for the GoW platinum, but I know there is at least 1 trophy that may be very tough.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 18: 5/5/18: Where's Argyle? Edition

Post by Phaseknox »

canedaddy wrote: Sat May 05, 2018 8:44 pmGod of War gets better and better. I've really enjoyed the parts I've played the last two days (a lot of exploration and side stuff).
It seems to be the general consensus that the game gets better when it opens up with the optional explorable areas and side content, so I'm in the minority which is nothing new. :P I like explorable areas and side content in open world games and RPGs, but I like more of a directed and linear experience from story driven action adventure games. But like I said, it's all optional and I can just stick to the storyline if I prefer a more tightly paced experience.
argyle wrote: Sun May 06, 2018 9:17 amI'm still here, life's just been getting in the way lately (and not in the good way).
I'm sorry to hear that. I don't think that I mentioned it, but for the past year I have not been working and been assisting my parents every day as they're both homebound and my dad is basically bedbound. There's been a lot of doctor and hospital visits (my dad has fallen and hurt himself a lot) in that time, my dad most recently breaking his shoulder making him completely bedbound. It's been difficult both mentally and physically for me because their care is basically all on me, but I'm doing the best that I can for them.
argyle wrote: Sun May 06, 2018 9:17 amI decided to pickup a 'bone again (for the final time :P) mainly due to what they're doing with backwards compatibility. Got the X, and the way it breathes new life into last gen (and even OG Xbox) games is incredible.
How does it breathe new life into Xbox/Xbox 360 games, I'm curious because I REALLY want State of Decay 2 and that along with improving my Xbox/Xbox 360 games would be reason enough for me to get an Xbox One.
Last edited by Phaseknox on Tue May 08, 2018 9:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 18: 5/5/18: Where's Argyle? Edition

Post by isthatallyougot »

Glad to hear everyone (phase) is now enjoying GOW again. :P Sounds fun.

After finishing The Order 1886 during the week, I haven't had any time to game - aside from a couple quick OOTP games in my ongoing franchise. I plan to get back into DDS and EDF 2025 this week.

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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 18: 5/5/18: Where's Argyle? Edition

Post by canedaddy »

Your positive report on 1886 makes me open to playing it whenever it hits PS+ (shouldn't be long).
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 18: 5/5/18: Where's Argyle? Edition

Post by Phaseknox »

isthatallyougot wrote: Sun May 06, 2018 6:33 pmGlad to hear everyone (phase) is now enjoying GOW again. :P Sounds fun.
I'm enjoying it just as much now as I did when I first started playing it, it's one of the best action adventure games that I've played and the second best game that I've played this gen (The Last of Us is the first).

I still feel that there's a lot of insignificant optional side content that seems unnecessary and just added to pad the length of the game, but while it might not really be stuff that I want to do I can avoid it since it's optional and it's there for people who do want to do it. However, I do like some of the optional side content such as the favors (side quests). I especially like the blacksmith ones since they take place in their own areas, and are just as involved as the story quests.

While the combat is still the highlight for me (the challenge has been just right on normal), the levels are really well designed and look awesome with a good helping of environment traversing, collectables, loot and puzzles. The story stays strong, Kratos is actually a likable character and the pacing is great. The game is lengthy too, even avoiding a lot of the optional side content the journey has been long and is still going.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 18: 5/5/18: Where's Argyle? Edition

Post by argyle »

Phaseknox wrote: Sun May 06, 2018 3:09 pm How does it breathe new life into Xbox/Xbox 360 games, I'm curious because I REALLY want State of Decay 2 and that along with improving my Xbox/Xbox 360 games would be reason enough for me to get an Xbox One.
Ups the resolution (to 4k if you have the tv for it), cleans them up, makes them run better. Here are a couple of examples:

As for The Order, it's a great game. It got a lot of flak when it came out for being short, and I can see that complaint if you paid full price for it I suppose. But it felt like it was just the right length to me.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 18: 5/5/18: Where's Argyle? Edition

Post by isthatallyougot »

phase/argyle, sorry you guys are going through it. Life will be life, huh?

It's nice to know I'm not the only one on this board who enjoyed 1886. It's not an all-timer, for sure, but it was a really enjoyable and visually jaw-dropping romp through alternate history Victorian era England. In what it did well, it was absolutely stunning. It didn't do everything well, but man, what it got right, it nailed.

I've picked Digital Devil Saga back up and am continuing to really click with that one. So good.

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