Argyle's Top 10 Games of 2017!

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Argyle's Top 10 Games of 2017!

Post by argyle »

OK, I'm finally ready! First, let me say that I avoided Izzy's topic on the old board because I didn't want to read it until I was ready to post mine, and's gone. :cry: I don't expect anyone to re-type any huge posts because I suck, but if you guys happen to have them saved somewhere by some miracle, feel free to repost. ;)

Second, I decided to leave out AC: Origins from the running because I feel like I really need to finish that one to decide where it would rank. Unless something horrible happens in the back end of that game it would definitely have been here otherwise, but now expect to see it in my 2018 list. Oh, and as is the way of our people, these are all games I played in 2017, not necessarily just games that were released in 2017.

So with no further ado...

10. Sky Force Anniversary
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I'm not typically a huge 'Shmup fan. I enjoy them from time to time, but they don't typically leave a big lasting impression. Sky Force Anniversary was a PS+ freebie at some point last year, but the icon is not inspiring. That sounds lame. OK, look, here's the icon on the PS4 when you install the game:
Looks about exciting as tax return software, doesn't it? So I grabbed it because it was free but then promptly ignored it. That is, until one night when Tam was bored & started playing some of the freebies she had downloaded and decided to boot it up. In spite of the fact that she was literally trying to ram the enemies with her ship (she has less than zero interest in the genre) I thought the game was visually very pretty, so a couple days later I decided to give it a shot myself. And was instantly hooked. It's a 'Shmup, but it also has RPG elements. You gain exp, or money, or whatever you wanna call it by playing levels and can use that to buy permanent upgrades to your ship. Add to that the fact that it's a gorgeous game that's also a ton of fun, and you've got an addictive little hidden gem. Supposedly Limited Run Games is going to be releasing it later this month, and that's one I definitely want to own.

9. Culdcept Revolt
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Most of the games on my list either take an old idea/franchise in a fresh new direction or do something unexpected and create a brand new franchise. Culdcept Revolt does neither of those things. Sure, there are new cards added of course, new boards. There's a new story which isn't very good, because the story isn't the point anyway. There are a few of what I call quality of life changes - minor tweaks that make the game more player-friendly, but things that casual fans of the series probably wouldn't even notice. So why is it here then? Because it's Culdcept. Sometimes a game does exactly what you expect it to - no more, no less - and you love it just for that reason. That is Culdcept Revolt. No other game does what it does (a few have tried, but not many) and it releases so infrequently that it's a real treat just to get a new game. I was fully addicted to it for at least a solid month after it came out, and I'm still not done with it.

8. Dying Light: The Following Enhanced Edition
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Dying Light is one of those games that took a bit to "click" with me, but once it did I absolutely loved it. I first tried playing it back around the time it first came out, and thought it was OK but a little too frustrating for me. I may have dabbled with it a time or two after that, but always the same conclusion. And if not for a good friend of mine who had already fallen in love with the game, that probably would have been the end of it for me. But earlier this year, that friend was going after one of the trophies that required the same 4 people to complete a series of quests online in one session - not something that would be easy to get with random players. He had 3 covered just in his family, but enlisted me for his fourth. While playing that night we had a blast, and in the process he showed me a few things about the game that I didn't realize. So after that I went back to it and with my new-found knowledge (and a few higher level weapons he had given me ;) ) I proceeded to try it again. And I couldn't put it down. This game is a blast! Exploring, crafting, leveling up, finishing quests and some gnarly zombie deaths. What's NOT to love, right? Something also has to be said about a developer who supports their game with FREE updates for over 2 years after its release. They have put out one paid expansion, which is The Following (so obviously included in this edition) and it is a MASSIVE add-on area which introduces vehicles & a new story. They've gone so far above & beyond that I'll be buying their next game at release, whatever it may be, no questions asked. One last pro tip: when you play (and you SHOULD play it), make getting the camouflage ability your #1 priority. ;)

7. Titanfall 2
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Titanfall 2 should have been another forgettable & dumb dudebro shooter. It wasn't supposed to have clever mechanics, great gameplay, characters you actually like (and who have a fun sense of humor) and some of the absolute best level design I've seen in a modern video game. But somehow, it does have all of those things. I can't speak for the multiplayer-only XBone-only original game, and I fear for the next game in the series (assuming there is one) since EA has since bought Respawn, the developer - but Titanfall 2 is not only one of the best current-gen shooters but a must-play game period.

6. Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle
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Most people I talked to about this game this year (who hadn't played it) thought one or both of the following: it's shovelware trash because it's by UbiSoft and it's a kiddy game because it has both Mario and Rabbids characters in it. Both of those statements are undeniably false. Mario + Rabbids has so much polish to it that if you didn't see the opening UbiSoft logo, you would swear it was a first-party Nintendo game. Every little detail, from animations and character reactions to sound effects and music, shows that unfiltered love was poured into the development of this game. Just listen to the composer talk about his experience working on the music:

So it's quality. But how about it being kiddy? Ummm, definitely not. It has a fantastic learning curve, which means it starts out very simple. But by the time you get to the third world, you know they mean business. Each character has unique abilities along with their own skill tree, and more and more complex enemies keep being introduced the further you go into the game - which require more complex strategies to overcome. If it tells you anything, the main reason this game isn't higher on this list is because of how difficult it gets.

5. Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Ultimate Evil Edition
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I almost didn't include this one, because I'm pretty sure it has been on one of my past years' lists. So I figured I should disqualify it. But the more I thought, the more I realized what a disservice that would be. The fact is, time-wise my gaming year was dominated by 3 games in 2017 - Diablo III and my top 2 games. Not only that, but I loved every one of the many, many hours I sunk into this game this year. How could I leave it off? Heck, it's hardly the same game it was a couple of years ago anway what with the addition of Season Play, which is what took up nearly all my time. The fun of taking a character from nothing and working towards goals for rewards was more addictive than I imagined. Not only that, but during the second of the two seasons I played I made a breakthrough in my thinking of how to play the game. I started looking into character builds and I realized the synergy different classes had between their equipment and abilities. Suddenly my damage output was through the roof, and those crazy goals I thought were unobtainable moved closer to my reach. When you look back on the half-baked game that Diablo III originally launched as on the PC several years ago and compare it to what it has become, it's a real testament to Blizzard that they weren't content to chalk it up as a failure and move on but rather wanted to correct their mistake and make it into a truly great game. They succeeded in spades.

4. The Last Guardian
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Hey, remember that game that I laughed at you guys for years for anticipating? The one I swore was vaporware? That I laughed about my eternal preorder for at Amazon? Well, it finally came out...and it's amazing. Trico is probably my video game character of the year - it's impossible not to fall in love with him. Doubly so if you're a dog person. His mannerisms are spot-on for a dog, and you'll quickly find yourself growing attached to him. When he got hurt I wanted to pet him, which would make the blood spots disappear, to "make him better". This did nothing as far as the game was concerned besides making the spots go away, mind you, but I did it anyway - every. single. time. I was anxious when I was separated from him, not just because your character is pretty much defenseless alone but because I wanted to know that Trico was ok. And I'd stop & just enjoy the quiet moments that the game provided, just taking it all in. The real genius of the gameplay is that the game is one big escort mission, but YOU are the one being escorted. But you may not even think of that, because the atmosphere & character of the game is so much at the forefront that everything else just kinda fades to the back. The Last Guardian is an experience, and it's one I wouldn't mind having again. To quote Chevy Chase, "It takes a big man to admit when he's wrong. I am NOT a big man." ;)

3. Super Mario Odyssey
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Mario is one of those games where it seems each new main entry in the series gets gushed over by critics to the point that you kinda stop listening to the hype. It's like "Yeah, yeah, Mario is an institution, Mario is great, the new one is the best thing ever - what else is new?" So let me say now that I'm not a rabbid (no pun intended ;) ) Mario fan. The last 3d Mario game I finished & really enjoyed was Mario Sunshine on the Gamecube. I dabbled with Galaxy, but never really got into it. The one on the Wii U - forgot the name - seemed like more of a retread than anything else. It was what you would expect from a Mario game. But for some reason, from the first time I saw Odyssey I had a feeling it was going to be something special. And I was not disappointed. The hat-possession mechanic opens up a lot of fresh gameplay ideas all while the game pays homage to pretty much every great Mario game in the series (including my Sunshine, which often gets the cold shoulder). There is an insane amount of things to do, and the game just lets you free to do them. It's a giant playground that seems to stay fresh thanks to constant introduction of new mechanics, fresh locations, etc. It's a celebration of everything that's great about Mario while at the same time a look at what the future holds for the series. Only one word can sum up my playtime with this game: Joy.

2. Injustice 2
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If you had told me this time last year that a fighting game would be on my top 10 list for the year, let alone at #2, I would have laughed pretty hard. I enjoy a good fighting game from time to time, casually, but one of the best games of the year? No way. Of course, I didn't know at the time that some mad genius had merged a loot-based RPG with a fighter and in doing so created one of the most addictive fighting games ever. Heck, I've called this the best fighting game I've ever played, and I stand by that. Keep in mind, I'm talking about from a single-player perspective, probably less than 5% of my total playtime has been multiplayer. The loop of playing events that are constantly updating to earn rewards in the form of new moves & gear for an insanely large roster of characters all while leveling them up is insanely satisfying. The equipment you unlock is not only cosmetic but also affects the stats of your character. As much time as I've put into the game - and it's a lot - there are many characters that I've still done basically nothing with. The game just doesn't stop. Every time this past year I thought I was done with it, something would pull me back in and have me hooked all over again. This was the game I played most consistently throughout the year. It was the biggest surprise of the year and *almost* the best game I played this year. Almost....

1. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
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I have been a long, long time Zelda fan. But I have to admit, in recent years I've been a bigger fan of the *idea* of Zelda than the actual games. The last one I really enjoyed all the way through was Wind Waker. Twilight Princess was a letdown after the superior Okami, and Skyward Sword seemed interesting but the forced motion controls killed it for me. So I went into Breath of the Wild with hopeful but tempered expectations. And they were promptly shattered. Breath of the Wild is an astounding achievement of a game. It's a stunning example of how to reinvent and reinvigorate a franchise while not losing its identity in the process. It's fully Zelda, yet still 100% new. It's not just an open world Zelda game, it's possibly the best open world game to date. The characters are all nuanced and interesting, with stories that give the game a deep melancholy. The graphics are gorgeous, and the music has a light bounce to it that can easily switch from whimsical to serene. The combat is fast paced with an added sense of danger thanks to the breakable weapon system. Loot and crafting play a big role in the game. But beyond all of this there is one concept that dominates this game like no other - exploration. It is said you can rush to the end of the game in a very few short hours, but to do so would be missing the entire point. Every square inch of the map has secrets to be discovered, views to be seen, puzzles to be solved. And thanks to the climb-anything mechanic you can literally explore everything you see. The scope of the game is only surpassed by the masterful execution. Breath of the Wild released relatively early in the year, and it was clear when I was playing it that the odds of anything else I played last year topping it was going to be miniscule. This is probably one of the strongest lists of games I've played in years, everything here 100% deserves to be here and absolutely should be played. And know that even so, Breath of the Wild stands head & shoulders above them all.
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
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Re: Argyle's Top 10 Games of 2017!

Post by canedaddy »

Nice list. I've only played two of those... Diablo (loved it) and Sky Force (didn't grab me). I look forward to playing Odyssey and Zelda if/when I get a Switch.
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Re: Argyle's Top 10 Games of 2017!

Post by Phaseknox »

I read this top 10 the way that it was intended by starting with #10, and slowly making my way down the list to #1. As I started to get about halfway down the list I was wondering where Horizon Zero Dawn was, and started to think that you (argyle) liked it more than I realized. But it turned out that you liked it less than I realized as it didn't make the list. I admit that it's a little surprising to see something like Sky Force Anniversary make the list while Horizon Zero Dawn didn't, but I know that it ultimately comes down to what you enjoyed the most throughout the year.

I was glad to see Dying Light: The Following and Titanfall 2 make the list since I own them, and it's good to know that you regard them so highly. I'm going to buy Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Ultimate Evil Edition, and Injustice 2 based on your positive reviews of them.

I was surprised by the lack of RPGs on the list, but I assume that you didn't finish some that you played like Persona 5 and The Witcher III: Wild Hunt.
argyle wrote: Mon Jan 08, 2018 5:33 pmI avoided Izzy's topic on the old board because I didn't want to read it until I was ready to post mine, and's gone. :cry:
DG said that the previous PS2 Backlog Committee content still exists, it just needs to be coded to this new one. Izzy's 2017 year in review should be one of the first threads that's brought here since it wasn't finished yet, and I'm sure that izzy would like to complete it considering how much work that he put into it. Not to mention that those of us following it would like to see it completed as well.
Last edited by Phaseknox on Wed Jan 10, 2018 1:29 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Argyle's Top 10 Games of 2017!

Post by canedaddy »

Yeah, it would be awesome if the old board stuff could be moved here. I like to refer to old threads every so often, and it would be nice to have izzy's stuff wrapped up here.

I'm not surprised Horizon wasn't on argyle's list, but it'll be on mine for 2018, no doubt. I'm loving it.
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Re: Argyle's Top 10 Games of 2017!

Post by Phaseknox »

canedaddy wrote: Tue Jan 09, 2018 9:13 pmit would be awesome if the old board stuff could be moved here. I like to refer to old threads every so often, and it would be nice to have izzy's stuff wrapped up here.
Well I assume that it eventually will be, because I can't imagine all of that content never returning. I too like going back and reading the old threads every so often.
canedaddy wrote: Tue Jan 09, 2018 9:13 pmI'm not surprised Horizon wasn't on argyle's list
I'm just surprised that something like Sky Force Anniversary beat it out, that's all.
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Re: Argyle's Top 10 Games of 2017!

Post by argyle »

Phaseknox wrote: Tue Jan 09, 2018 7:38 pm I was surprised by the lack of RPGs on the list, but I assume that you didn't finish some that you played like Persona 5 and The Witcher III: Wild Hunt.
I didn't finish Witcher, and I didn't *really* play P5. I started it more or less just to see what it was like, but I was playing something else when it came out (can't remember what) and so I didn't really try to get into it too much. Most of the games in my list have some degree of RPG elements, but yeah, not too many "pure" RPGs made it this year (Diablo III is an action RPG and Breath of the Wild is arguably one as well, while Mario + Rabbids is basically a Final Fantasy Tactics style RPG).

I was meaning to post my honorable mentions so I guess this is as good a time as any. :P There are some true RPGs there, and in any other year most or all of these games would have been in my top 10. This was just an exceptional year for gaming for me.

Honorable Mentions (in no order):
South Park: The Fractured But Whole
If you loved the first South Park game, you'll love this one. They tightened up the combat and streamlined a few things while keeping the funny. Didn't make my list mainly because as good as it was, it didn't have the same impact as the first game for me. The first game had the "wow" factor of getting to explore South Park, go in the characters' homes, see places from the show, etc. And even tho they added a lot into this game, it still has a bit of a "been there, done that" feel.

Ys VIII: The Lacrimosa of Dana
One thing kept this off my list: the translation. I came close to adding it anyway, but the translation was just SO VERY BAD that it negatively impacted my enjoyment of the game. Good news for all of you, they are actively fixing that now & will be releasing a patch soon with a completely re-translated script & re-recorded voice work. When that patch hits, this gets a strong recommendation from me for anyone who enjoys action JRPGs.

Watch Dogs 2
This is the way to do a sequel - fix all the things that were wrong with the original, make everything that was already good better. Helps that this game also has a ton of personality and doesn't take itself too seriously, two things you couldn't say for the original. I think this one was overlooked by most because of how bland the first game was, but that's a mistake - this one definitely deserves to be played. Another one that just barely missed my top 10...

The Deadly Tower of Monsters
Another great indie hidden gem. Action/adventure with an awesome b-movie 50's sci-fi motiff. The running "dvd commentary track" by the supposed actor who played the lead character just puts it over the top. Everyone here should check this one out, and I believe it was a PS+ freebie at some point so many of you probably already have it. ;)

Tearaway Unfolded
Such a great, inventive game. It was amazing seeing everything they did with the paper theme of the game. I think if I had played the Vita version of this it would probably have made my list, but the added content they added mainly at the end of the game for the PS4 wasn't fun and made the game really feel like it had overstayed its welcome. They should have had the game end where it did on the Vita, then presented the extra stuff as an expansion you could play after finishing the game.

Hitman GO
This game has very little to do with Hitman as you know it. Instead, it's a puzzle board game where when you move, the other enemy pieces move as well and you have to figure out how to reach the goal in a set number of turns. Highly addictive, and regularly goes on sale for a buck on PSN. One of the best ways I can think of to spend $1.

Wolfenstein: The New Order
I started this one when it first came out but didn't get very far, so I went back & restarted it this year since the sequel was coming out. Great game, very solid shooter with a great story. Ends on a cliffhanger, so it really has me wanting to play the new one which I hear picks up immediately where the first one stops.

Blaster Master Zero
I never played Blaster Master much back in the day, beyond dabbling with it a little at a friend's house. So this remake was almost entirely new for me, and it was great. A bit of the old design shows through in places, mainly the amount of backtracking you have to do, but it's a testament to how good the game is that it doesn't hurt it much. Thinking of playing the PSOne sequel this year (which I picked up on the cheap a few years back) to see what they did with it.

And no, Horizon didn't make that list for me either. I'm not gonna sit & hate on Horizon, it had a lot going for it and I can definitely see where others would love it. It just wasn't my thing. One of the main things I use to make this list was just a simple "how much fun did I have playing this game?" That's why Sky Force in on the list, because when I think back on it I just think about how much fun I had with it. No notable negatives come to mind for it. But with Horizon, I had as much frustration and annoyance with it as I did fun. Plus I played 2 other games this year - Zelda and AC Origins - that did things it did much better IMO. I still enjoyed it, and I'll be interested in a sequel where hopefully they'll address some of my issues. But in a year packed with games that I absolutely loved, it just didn't make the cut.
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
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Re: Argyle's Top 10 Games of 2017!

Post by Phaseknox »

argyle wrote: Wed Jan 10, 2018 10:08 amHorizon didn't make that list for me either.
Ouch! You definitely liked it less than I realized. :lol: But thanks for including some honorable mentions, because I feel that our taste in games is similar and I always look forward to finding out what you really liked in a year.

I have Hitman GO, Watch Dogs 2 and Wolfenstein: The New Order, and South Park: The Fractured but Whole and Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana are on my to get list. I added The Deadly Tower of Monsters to my list as well since I watched the trailer for it and it looks like good humorous fun similar to Headlander which was one of my favorite games last year.
Last edited by Phaseknox on Wed Jan 10, 2018 5:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Argyle's Top 10 Games of 2017!

Post by argyle »

Phaseknox wrote: Wed Jan 10, 2018 12:56 pm
argyle wrote: Wed Jan 10, 2018 10:08 amHorizon didn't make that list for me either.
Ouch! You definitely liked it less than I realized. :lol: But thanks for including some honorable mentions, because I feel that our taste in games is similar and I always look forward to finding out what you really liked in a year.

I have Hitman GO, Watch Dogs 2 and Wolfenstein: The New Order, and South Park: The Fractured but Whole and Ys VIII: The Lacrimosa of Dana are on my to get list. I added The Deadly Tower of Monsters to my list as well since I watched the trailer for it and it looks like good humorous fun similar to Headlander which was one of my favorite games last year.
I look forward to hearing what you think when you get around to those. I picked up Headlander in a sale a month or two back, so it's in my list. Gonna try to get to it soon-ish, but I think after I finish up Fallout 4 & AC Origins I'm gonna play Prey next - a good friend has been raving about that one for months now and I'm curious to see what he's been so impressed by. :)
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis

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Re: Argyle's Top 10 Games of 2017!

Post by Phaseknox »

argyle wrote: Wed Jan 10, 2018 1:31 pmI'm gonna play Prey next - a good friend has been raving about that one for months now and I'm curious to see what he's been so impressed by. :)
Yeah, I've heard good things about it which is why I bought it recently.
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Re: Argyle's Top 10 Games of 2017!

Post by isthatallyougot »

Phaseknox wrote: Tue Jan 09, 2018 7:38 pm
argyle wrote: Mon Jan 08, 2018 5:33 pmI avoided Izzy's topic on the old board because I didn't want to read it until I was ready to post mine, and's gone. :cry:
DG said that the previous PS2 Backlog Committee content still exists, it just needs to be coded to this new one. Izzy's 2017 year in review should be one of the first threads that's brought here since it wasn't finished yet, and I'm sure that izzy would like to complete it considering how much work that he put into it. Not to mention that those of us following it would like to see it completed as well.
Yeah, it is a little frustrating that all that went poof. :P I still have everything, although I had edited some reviews while posting them at the old site. I'll probably just provide a list except for the games I'd recommend, and I'll replace those reviews in full and finish my countdown in a new thread. It would have been nice to have a heads-up that all that stuff was about to vanish because I did want to keep a couple of the reviews I edited, but didn't save locally. Anywho...

Argyle, I'll read your list later and comment. I just wanted to check back in when I saw that this place has continued in its nomadic fashion.

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