Mass Effect: Andromeda could be the best game that I've played

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Mass Effect: Andromeda could be the best game that I've played

Post by Phaseknox »


Mass Effect: Andromeda could be the best game that I've played. Not this year, not this gen, but ever. And I'm saying this based on only 60 hours of playtime, and 45% story completion so far. Cane recently made the same claim about Red Dead Redemption II while only being about halfway through it, so I figured that I could do the same with ME:A. :P It's basically the sci-fi game that I've always wanted.

My favorite toys (and comics) as a kid were Micronauts. ME:A is more or less the video game equivalent of the adventures that I played out with my Micronauts as a kid. And it's also part Mass Effect (original trilogy), Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Red Faction: Guerrilla and Firefly which are some of my favorite sci-fi. Combine all that into an open-ended, galaxy/planet exploring, content-packed experience with a good story, cast of characters, choice-driven narrative and visceral combat and it's not hard to understand why it appeals to me so much.

I've never been this addicted to a game. All that I want to do is play it. The only reason why I stop is to eat, and sleep (and to post here :P ). Of course I've been addicted to games (mostly RPGs) in the past, but not quite like this. It blends so many aspects so well, and is well balanced. It offers a lot of story aspects and character interaction within non-action areas such as at space stations, ports and in your ship, on-foot/vehicle exploration on open planets and high-octane combat moments. Basically, it never has you doing any one thing for too long. There's a lot of variety, and a good mix of things to do. Combine that with a normal difficulty that offers a good challenge without being frustrating, and it's just fun to play. It's also packed with more content than any other game that I've played before. And the majority of the side content is interesting offering individual mini-stories that aren't connected to the main story. They even segment the missions so you know what are main missions, side missions and tasks. The tasks are kind of filler, but some of them are more interesting than simply collecting or scanning a bunch of stuff around the planets.

However, the game isn't quite as good from a technical standpoint as it doesn't offer state-of-the-art graphics, or performance. While the graphics are good (especially their art design), from a technical standpoint they look like an early PS4 game especially the character models. And there are times when the framerate drops considerably. There's bugs and jank too, but not too bad. The main reason why the game got so much hate when if first came out was for these reasons, but it's been improved substantially with updates. Basically, this is a Phase game. :P It's similar to the low budget European RPGs that I enjoy so much, a little rough around the edges but with good content that makes up for it. Of course it's technically better than those, but it doesn't quite feel like a AAA blockbuster either.

The reason why I made this thread was to share that this game proved to me that I still like video games just as much as I always have. I admit that lately I was starting to wonder if I still liked them as much as I used to since RDR2 failed to engross me like I was expecting it to, but it was the game and not me. I still really enjoyed my time with it, but it didn't hook me like big anticipated games usually do. And it wasn't just it, I was having a hard time wanting to play a lot of what I have. I'm more selective now than I used to be when it comes to what I want to play, I don't have a desire to play everything like I used to. I just want to play the stuff that really clicks with me, because if it doesn't then what's the point?

Now back to playing.
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Re: Mass Effect: Andromeda could be the best game that I've played

Post by isthatallyougot »

Well phase, you are always an outlier. :P I'm glad you're playing something so special to you. It always feels great to get lost in something you truly love!

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Re: Mass Effect: Andromeda could be the best game that I've played

Post by Phaseknox »

I've played for 70 hours now with 52% story completion, and I'm starting to feel some fatigue with it. Repetition is starting to kick in a bit too since that's pretty much inevitable with any game offering 100+ hours of content.

I think that the only game that I've played prior to this for 100+ hours was The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Edition, I almost never put that much time into one game. I'm usually satisfied when an open world game or RPG offers me 40-60 hours of gameplay.

The majority of my time spent with ME:A so far has been doing side content which is why I'm only 52% finished with the story, but other than crew member loyalty missions I've done most of the side content so I can start focusing on the story.

As for being the best game that I've played, probably not. It's definitely up there, but despite offering a lot of content and fun gameplay it's a little too buggy and rough around the edges to take that crown.
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Re: Mass Effect: Andromeda could be the best game that I've played

Post by canedaddy »

This is quite a take! I've never heard of anyone even liking that game, let alone loving it.
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Re: Mass Effect: Andromeda could be the best game that I've played

Post by Phaseknox »

That's because the majority wanted to hate on it for some reason. Apparently it was released unfinished with a lot of bugs and laughably bad human faces/animations, but after its updates it's a more finished game now. For me it's just a really fun open-worlds ( ;) ) sci-fi action RPG with a good story, a likable cast of characters, visceral shooting combat, exploration/discovery and tons of content.

I've played it for 80 hours now with 70% overall completion. I've completed almost all of the side content, and I should have the story wrapped up fairly soon.
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Re: Mass Effect: Andromeda could be the best game that I've played

Post by argyle »

Entertainment in general - games, movies, tv shows, whatever - has become all about hype when it comes to certain titles & franchises these days. Then when whatever it is inevitably can't live up to the massive amount of hype someone has built up for it, they trash it. And at that point, something can't just be mediocre or slightly disappointing, it has to be the worst thing ever and anyone who doesn't agree is just an idiot. It's become exhausting.

It's ok to be excited for things of course, we all are, but people (no one here obviously, speaking about the unwashed masses :P) should keep their expectations in check & just go into things hoping to have a good time. A game is just a game, a movie is just a movie - they aren't life-changing events.

Maybe I'm just mellowing in my old age. Heck, maybe we all are. :P

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Re: Mass Effect: Andromeda could be the best game that I've played

Post by Phaseknox »

After 90 hours of playing, I finally finished it. The actual story isn't that long, and the majority of story missions take place within enclosed linear levels with lots of combat. It's the side content that really made the game for me, because I had the most fun roaming the open worlds exploring, discovering, doing tasks and engaging in combat at enemy bases/encampments/strongholds. There's a lot of variety in the side stuff that you do, and it was just fun to play at my own pace doing what I wanted when instead of feeling like I was being pushed to keep moving forward along a directed path the whole time.

The final stretch and conclusion of the game were pretty good, and it stayed balanced throughout without any difficulty spikes which I liked. The ending scene is brief but somewhat satisfying, and there's a short epilogue that's a nice addition. The game was designed to be continued with DLC and sequels, but due to how poorly that it was received EA scrapped the planned DLC and isn't going to continue this series of Mass Effect which is a shame since it's really good IMO. While you can keep playing after the credits roll to wrap up any side stuff that you didn't do, I had most of it completed and decided to finish the game with the movie night mission which made for a really good ending and left me satisfied with the entire experience.

It's not the best game that I've played, but it's up there. It was packed with content that I actually wanted to do, and it gave me a good 90 hours of entertainment. It had a lot of bugs/jank and it wasn't as polished as I would have liked, but it was still a really good time throughout.
argyle wrote: Thu Jan 17, 2019 2:29 amEntertainment in general - games, movies, tv shows, whatever - has become all about hype when it comes to certain titles & franchises these days. Then when whatever it is inevitably can't live up to the massive amount of hype someone has built up for it, they trash it. And at that point, something can't just be mediocre or slightly disappointing, it has to be the worst thing ever and anyone who doesn't agree is just an idiot. It's become exhausting.

It's ok to be excited for things of course, we all are, but people (no one here obviously, speaking about the unwashed masses :P) should keep their expectations in check & just go into things hoping to have a good time. A game is just a game, a movie is just a movie - they aren't life-changing events.
I agree. I barely go to any other gaming forums these days because the majority cherry pick a few things that they consider good, and **** on everything else to a level of degree that is absurd. And you can't disagree with them about anything, because they're right and you're wrong. Like you said, it gets exhausting. It used to be fun being a part of the gaming community, but not anymore. This is really the only place that I discuss games anymore.
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Re: Mass Effect: Andromeda could be the best game that I've played

Post by isthatallyougot »

argyle wrote: Thu Jan 17, 2019 2:29 am Entertainment in general - games, movies, tv shows, whatever - has become all about hype when it comes to certain titles & franchises these days. Then when whatever it is inevitably can't live up to the massive amount of hype someone has built up for it, they trash it. And at that point, something can't just be mediocre or slightly disappointing, it has to be the worst thing ever and anyone who doesn't agree is just an idiot. It's become exhausting.

It's ok to be excited for things of course, we all are, but people (no one here obviously, speaking about the unwashed masses :P) should keep their expectations in check & just go into things hoping to have a good time. A game is just a game, a movie is just a movie - they aren't life-changing events.

Maybe I'm just mellowing in my old age. Heck, maybe we all are. :P
I just don't really care what anyone thinks. :P So, it's no big deal to me.

If I don't like something I just put it aside and find something else. Life's too short to be bitter and angry about anything.

Hey it might be a pot reference, but good sh*t IS all around. Turn your head from the other stuff.
Phaseknox wrote: Thu Jan 17, 2019 6:06 pm It's not the best game that I've played, but it's up there. It was packed with content that I actually wanted to do, and it gave me a good 90 hours of entertainment. It had a lot of bugs/jank and it wasn't as polished as I would have liked, but it was still a really good time throughout.
Glad you had such a good time with it phase! :D

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