The Backlog Check-in Vol. 180: 6/12/21: Sun Wukong vs Robot Edition

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The Backlog Check-in Vol. 180: 6/12/21: Sun Wukong vs Robot Edition

Post by Phaseknox »

Played: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

Finished: Nothing

Playing: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

Added: Mercenary Kings, Orangeblood, River City Girls, Shantae and the Seven Sirens

Games releasing this week
Alchemist Adventure
Beasts of Maravilla Island
The Casino Collection
Conglomerate 451: Overloaded
Donuts ‘n’ Justice
Four Kings: Video Poker
Galaxy Champions TV
Later Daters
Metal Unit
Paradox Error
Sable’s Grimoire
Sun Wukong vs Robot
Super Animal Royale
Train Station Renovation
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 180: 6/12/21: Sun Wukong vs Robot Edition

Post by jfissel »

Finished: Nothing

Now Playing: Immortals: Fenyx Rising PS5, Final Fantasy VII Remake

Added to Backlog: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart

Current Backlog: 40 games

Added R&C. I have to be nearing the end in Immortals...I'm moving to a new area and I've completed most of the side stuff at 53 hours. Hoping to wrap it up soon so I can get to R&C.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 180: 6/12/21: Sun Wukong vs Robot Edition

Post by Phaseknox »

I’ve played Assassin’s Creed Valhalla for roughly 90 hours now, and I’m ready for it to be over so that I can move onto something else. I’m currently enjoying the Wrath of the Druids expansion content, but despite it taking place in Ireland it still feels like more of the same. Ireland doesn’t look that much different from England, and you do a lot of the same type of quests in it.

A lot of cool stuff happens in the game especially when it comes to its story, but it’s ultimately a somewhat repetitive experience throughout in terms of both game world and gameplay. The story and characters have both been quite good, but the core gameplay loop becomes a bit redundant. I found Odyssey to be a lot more fun to play in general, and I liked its bright and colorful ancient Greece setting more than Valhalla’s somewhat darker and more dreary medieval England/Ireland. Also, as much as I like Eivor I like Kassandra more. She was just more fun to play as IMO.

But ultimately 100+ hours is a little too long for any game IMO, I prefer somewhat shorter experiences even for RPGs. But I don’t really consider the newer Assassin’s Creed games to be RPGs, they’re more like action adventure games with RPG elements. So I don’t feel like they lend themselves to being quite as long as actual RPGs. They kind of overstay their welcome a little bit IMO.

I’m hopefully going to finish the Wrath of the Druids expansion content and final main game quest somewhat soon so that I can play something else as I need a break from Assassin’s Creed.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 180: 6/12/21: Sun Wukong vs Robot Edition

Post by argyle »

Games added: ...nothing? Haven't really cared honestly. Oh, I did pick up the modern Tomb Raider trilogy digitally on the XB, so that I guess.

Last...whatever: I've dabbled w/ replaying the first of the modern TR games. That's about it.

This week: That, pretty much.

So yeah, things have really gone to crap in my neck of the woods. My job just kinda imploded - I didn't lose my job, mind you, but my boss was let go by nebulous higher powers for literally no reason that anyone can fathom (seriously, they didn't even tell HIM why he was let go). This happened about a month ago now I suppose, and on June 1 he would have been here 3 years and they wouldn't have been able to pull that crap. VERY dirty. So then the guy I worked with on my campus just really got fed up after that and he quit a week later. This was the guy in the department that actually helped me the most, mind you. So now a TON of extra work (read: stress) has been dropped on me with no relief in sight - they haven't listed either of those vacated positions yet, so we're a LONG way away from them hiring anyone else. So work has went from mildly pleasant to an unbelievable amount of stress, which has me pretty depressed right now. I'm honestly sick of IT work altogether, and I'm trying to put something together to get away from this toxic place ASAP. But I can't seem to make that S enough, so my workweeks are just a very stressful, angry sludge for me right now.

Not to come here & dump on you guys, but well, it is what it is. Just wanted to update.

Hope all of you gents are still doing well!
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 180: 6/12/21: Sun Wukong vs Robot Edition

Post by Phaseknox »

argyle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 1:56 pmNot to come here & dump on you guys, but well, it is what it is. Just wanted to update.
I’m glad that you did, because I’ve been wondering where you’ve been and admittedly a bit concerned by your absence since it’s not like you to go so long without posting here.

Your job situation sounds exactly like my brother’s, the same thing happened to him where there were two of them working in a department sharing the workload, and his coworker got let go and didn’t get replaced putting the entire workload on my brother which is a ridiculous amount for just him to do by himself and they didn’t raise his pay despite doubling his work and it has stressed him out making him angry all the time but he’s kind of stuck because he obviously needs to pay his bills and finding another job at this time isn’t easy. He’s always angry and stressed now, and all he does is complain about his job every time that I talk to him - it sucks.

I’m sorry that you’re dealing with the same thing at your work, based on how angry and frustrated that you sound I know that you feel just like my brother does. And like you he doesn’t even want to be doing what he’s doing despite the added workload, so that just makes it even worse.

Please don’t hesitate to share what’s going on in your life or your feelings, because I’m sure that I speak for everyone here when I say that we’re here for you. I consider you and everyone else here a friend, and I was even thinking of calling you and talking to you since I know that this is a lot to discuss and share on a message forum especially one dedicated to gaming even though we did have a real life thread at one point. :P

How has your physical health been? Mine hasn’t been so great, and most likely never will be since DKA is a rather serious condition. I sleep a lot as I feel fatigued and weak a lot of the time, it’s difficult for me to play games for long periods of time now. And they can be a little too demanding at times since it’s difficult for me to concentrate and stay invested in them due to my health. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is taking me so long because I take constant breaks from playing it since it’s such a time demanding game. I just feel like playing more basic old school type 2D side scrolling beat-em-ups and action platformers these days since not only are they more pick up and play friendly, but also because they take me back to a better time.

My poor health combined with my mom’s deteriorating health as well hasn’t put me in the greatest mental state lately, especially combined with my OCD and feeling lonely (no girlfriend/wife). I haven’t even been in the mood to game much, I’ve been listening to music and playing Second Life (my only social outlet) mostly lately. And on the subject of games, I don’t even care about the future of them anymore as I currently own 500+ PS4 games with no intention of getting a current gen console. I think that E3 is this week, and I really don’t give a ****. :P
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 180: 6/12/21: Sun Wukong vs Robot Edition

Post by jfissel »

argyle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 1:56 pm Games added: ...nothing? Haven't really cared honestly. Oh, I did pick up the modern Tomb Raider trilogy digitally on the XB, so that I guess.

Last...whatever: I've dabbled w/ replaying the first of the modern TR games. That's about it.

This week: That, pretty much.

So yeah, things have really gone to crap in my neck of the woods. My job just kinda imploded - I didn't lose my job, mind you, but my boss was let go by nebulous higher powers for literally no reason that anyone can fathom (seriously, they didn't even tell HIM why he was let go). This happened about a month ago now I suppose, and on June 1 he would have been here 3 years and they wouldn't have been able to pull that crap. VERY dirty. So then the guy I worked with on my campus just really got fed up after that and he quit a week later. This was the guy in the department that actually helped me the most, mind you. So now a TON of extra work (read: stress) has been dropped on me with no relief in sight - they haven't listed either of those vacated positions yet, so we're a LONG way away from them hiring anyone else. So work has went from mildly pleasant to an unbelievable amount of stress, which has me pretty depressed right now. I'm honestly sick of IT work altogether, and I'm trying to put something together to get away from this toxic place ASAP. But I can't seem to make that S enough, so my workweeks are just a very stressful, angry sludge for me right now.

Not to come here & dump on you guys, but well, it is what it is. Just wanted to update.

Hope all of you gents are still doing well!
Hey argyle, thanks for checking in. Yeah, that sucks big time (probably the understatement of the year)...I've had similar things happen, just do what you can in the time available.

And hang in there, phase. ;)
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 180: 6/12/21: Sun Wukong vs Robot Edition

Post by canedaddy »

Sorry about your job stuff, argyle. That is a bummer. As you might know, I've been laid off twice and also survived a couple of mass layoffs, and it is brutal either way. I will say I feel blessed because each of those situations led me to something different that got me where I am now. I hope that whatever happens in your case will be God working things out for the best.

Phase, sorry about your struggles too. The combination of physical and mental health issues, along with loneliness, is a very tough one to bear. I'll pray for you.

Played recently: Maneater

Finished: Maneater

Added to backlog: Banner Saga Trilogy, Immortals Fenyx Rising

Current backlog: 17 (13 PS4, 1 Vita, 3 Switch)

I got the plat on Maneater. That was just what I needed, fun from beginning to end.

I think I'll play Death Stranding next.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 180: 6/12/21: Sun Wukong vs Robot Edition

Post by isthatallyougot »

Sorry to hear of you guys struggles. Life sure can be bumpy sometimes...don't we all know it! Hang in there. We can't appreciate the highs without those contrasting lows. The sun will rise. :)

I'm still slowly working through Shadowgate on PC...very slowly. I've been busy lately.

I also started up Mario and Luigi Bowser's Inside Story on the DS. I figured it was time as much as I love Superstar Saga (and enjoyed Partners in Time to a lesser extent.) It's only been, what...12 years. I knew I'd get to it. :P (Man time flies. You buy a game, put it in the pile, blink your eyes and more than a decade has gone, lol.)

It's been great fun and super hilarious with the (significant) return of Fawful and the writing in general is just great and the combat is well-done and engaging. Just what I was in the mood for. No barriers to simple fun.

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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 180: 6/12/21: Sun Wukong vs Robot Edition

Post by jfissel »

canedaddy wrote: Wed Jun 16, 2021 10:09 am Played recently: Maneater

Finished: Maneater

Added to backlog: Banner Saga Trilogy, Immortals Fenyx Rising

Current backlog: 17 (13 PS4, 1 Vita, 3 Switch)

I got the plat on Maneater. That was just what I needed, fun from beginning to end.

I think I'll play Death Stranding next.
Wow, that was fast...and Maneater DLC is coming soon I believe.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 180: 6/12/21: Sun Wukong vs Robot Edition

Post by canedaddy »

Yeah, I got sucked in pretty good. It's also not a particularly long game.

As much as I enjoyed it, Maneater runs pretty terribly on my base PS4. It crashed a couple of times and went into single-digit frame rates when you're battling the boats. I might wait to play the DLC on PS5 (if I ever get one).
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