The Backlog Check-in Vol. 211: 1/15/22: Rainbow Six Extraction Edition

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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 211: 1/15/22: Rainbow Six Extraction Edition

Post by jfissel »

Phaseknox wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 10:36 pm Here’s a link to a discussion about including a female character option in the game: ... 850425495/

It’s nice to see so many others who feel exactly as I do about preferring to play as female protagonists in video games, but of course there’s a few assholes in that discussion mocking them for it. They say that there aren’t guys complaining about not being able to play as male characters in games like Tomb Raider or Horizon Zero Dawn which is bullshit as I’ve seen guys in message forums and on YouTube say that they won’t play a game if they have to play as a female character. And that’s why there are male character options in games like Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and Far Cry 6 for example where the female characters are clearly the canon characters.
Just read the first page and then the last post by the developer before it was locked. The end result may not be what some people wanted, but at least the devs seemed to have a thoughtful internal discussion regarding the feature request before deciding it wasn't something they would/could pursue.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 211: 1/15/22: Rainbow Six Extraction Edition

Post by Phaseknox »

I finished Light Fairytale Episode 1, it only took me 3 1/2 hours. It was definitely on the short side. While I enjoyed it, it’s a shame that the series is episodic since I’m playing it now but it’s not going to be a complete experience.

I’m going to start Episode 2, but it’s going to be disappointing when I reach the end of it knowing that I have to wait I don’t know how long to play the third and final episode. Oh well, the first two episodes are short enough to play through again when the third one comes out.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 211: 1/15/22: Rainbow Six Extraction Edition

Post by isthatallyougot »

I'm having a great time in RDR2. I've been wandering on my own more than doing story stuff though. (I'm neglecting the camp, ha.) I was out hunting and had a really nice Elk pelt and as I was going back into town by a river, a wolf spooked my horse and we ended up in the river, costing me that pelt. That wolf died. :P

One thing I don't like that I'll mention is that it doesn't seem right to get a wanted level when you're just defending yourself against attackers that instigated the confrontation. I've had that happen a couple of times. That, or looting some corpse that was already there. And it's especially weird when you get "investigated" after you've left when there was no one around to see anything. C'mon, this wasn't the age of high-tech surveillance. :P

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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 211: 1/15/22: Rainbow Six Extraction Edition

Post by canedaddy »

Big question for the gang: Which are you more excited for or more likely to buy on day one?


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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 211: 1/15/22: Rainbow Six Extraction Edition

Post by isthatallyougot »

Lol, I think you know my answer cane. :P

Although I don't think I'll get it day one. I didn't time my big games right, and I'm patient anyway. I've got too much to play. Maybe I'll get it this year though.

I still need to play the first Horizon. It's in my backlog, but I've never felt a really strong pull to pick it up.

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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 211: 1/15/22: Rainbow Six Extraction Edition

Post by canedaddy »

Ha, yeah, I was pretty sure what your answer would be, and my guess is jfissel would say Horizon. Not sure about anyone else.

I asked because I was thinking about grabbing one of them next month, but now that I think about it, I might just wait to play them on PS5 whenever I get one. I still have plenty to play on PS4/Switch.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 211: 1/15/22: Rainbow Six Extraction Edition

Post by crimson_tide »

Izzy. I am playing Earthbound. I am now at Threed. I am constantly lost all the time. Paula might as well not even exist at this point, she dies in one hit. Even the teddy bear shield is more useful than her. I never know where to go. I don't like the battles, even the weakest enemies get criticals on the reg (see: Paula's weak ass). I hate the inventory. I hate going to the hospital every other battle because, and I cannot express this enough, Paula just sucks. I don't find the graphics charming and the bizarre dialogue isn't bizarre, just odd with no seeming rhyme or reason. I will continue playing on the train daily through February so I can hopefully finish it and then be able to say I played it.

Not you izzy, but I think this game got so much cred because Nintendo heads cannot help but slob Nintendo's knob constantly. If this were a Genesis game, nobody would care. I am glad you enjoyed it and I am hoping the third character makes the combat at least manageable but it is not charming me in the least...
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 211: 1/15/22: Rainbow Six Extraction Edition

Post by isthatallyougot »

crimson_tide wrote: Fri Jan 21, 2022 7:43 pm Izzy. I am playing Earthbound. I am now at Threed. I am constantly lost all the time. Paula might as well not even exist at this point, she dies in one hit. Even the teddy bear shield is more useful than her. I never know where to go. I don't like the battles, even the weakest enemies get criticals on the reg (see: Paula's weak ass). I hate the inventory. I hate going to the hospital every other battle because, and I cannot express this enough, Paula just sucks. I don't find the graphics charming and the bizarre dialogue isn't bizarre, just odd with no seeming rhyme or reason. I will continue playing on the train daily through February so I can hopefully finish it and then be able to say I played it.

Not you izzy, but I think this game got so much cred because Nintendo heads cannot help but slob Nintendo's knob constantly. If this were a Genesis game, nobody would care. I am glad you enjoyed it and I am hoping the third character makes the combat at least manageable but it is not charming me in the least...
Don't sweat it crim. We all click with whatever moves us. I don't know why you'd want to force yourself to finish it though, especially after having given it numerous chances. Just put it down and have some *fun* with your "crim time" my good man. ;)

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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 211: 1/15/22: Rainbow Six Extraction Edition

Post by Phaseknox »

canedaddy wrote: Fri Jan 21, 2022 12:25 pmBig question for the gang: Which are you more excited for or more likely to buy on day one?


Not really, but maybe if you played as a female protagonist instead of as a generic male protagonist once again just like in the first game. The story is apparently you’re looking for your sister, of course you can’t play as a sister looking for her brother because that wouldn’t sell as well.

Of the big three games coming out in February I’m most interested in Horizon Forbidden West, but not on day one for full price. I’m going to wait and get it when I can get it for $40, or less.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 211: 1/15/22: Rainbow Six Extraction Edition

Post by argyle »

I'm getting both Dying Light 2 (because the first one was amazing & was supported by the devs for literally years) and Elden Ring, but of the two I'm most excited about Elden Ring. It looks amazing, and I've watched some previews from people who said the difficulty of the Souls games made that series never click with them but that they loved their time w/ the beta of this. Apparently the open world nature itself helps you to better self-manage the difficulty (for one thing, you can always run away :P). BTW, these are the first 2 games I remember really looking forward to in a while. Hope they don't disappoint (I'm looking at you, Biomutant :? ).

OK, so I'm just now getting to check back with this thread this week and...I have stuff to say.

So...the Xbox Series X. Where to begin? Well...I think it's pretty well known around here that I've been a staunch Sony supporter for...forever now. I've owned MS consoles, yes, but they were always secondary for me at best. But here's the thing - this gen, Microsoft has been making some VERY consumer-friendly decisions while Sony, has not. So some examples. Microsoft has been giving free next-gen updates for its games. They have been releasing upgraded/optimized/whatever versions of many of its games and these are free patches. You'll notice that they don't even have distinct last gen/next gen versions for the games they put out even though there are differences. You put the game in your system, it sees what system you're running it on, and it loads the appropriate version. It's seamless, it's EASY, it just works, and it doesn't cost you anything extra. Sony has done a few free updates, but they have also put out several "remasters" of last-gen games that they have made you re-buy if you want the upgrades. Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut and next week's Unharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection come to mind, but there are others. And unless they've changed something in an update since launch (which is possible), obtaining those free upgrades that are offered is not nearly as seamless - you have to manually go in & download the correct patch or else you'll find yourself still playing the last-gen version on your shiny new next-gen hardware.

Not only that, but Sony now charges $70 for first-party games at release. That is ridiculous. That also brings us to GamePass. Put simply, GamePass is the absolute best value in gaming today. It's impossible to overstate this. And I'm talking BEFORE they roll Activision's back catalog into it. Most of what I play these days is from GamePass. There is a huge selection of AAAs, indies, backwards compatibles, and everything in between. First party for Microsoft is no longer just Halo and Forza (but let me say, the latest Forza Horizon is an awesome game ;) ). Bethesda (which keep in mind is also Id, Arkane, Tango Gameworks, and others), DoubleFine, Ninja Theory, Rare (they haven't done much of note in a bit, but their upcoming game Everwild looks very promising), InExile, etc., etc. And keep in mind, all first-party games go to GamePass the day they're released. So do many others that they cut deals with (the new Rainbow Six game did this week) and there are indie day-1 releases popping up on the service ALL the time. Then there's the EA streaming service which is included. They don't put their stuff up day-1, of course, but then again there isn't much they put out these days that any of us probably care about. But their back catalog is there, and there is quite a bit there that's of higher quality than their more recent stuff. There's also a rumor that they're about to roll UbiSoft's streaming service in, which would add their back catalog games as well - I'd say Rainbow Six popping up lends a lot of credibility to that rumor.

Yes, it looks like Sony is about to announce a competing service, but I honestly think they've waited too long. The only way they could hope to even start to compete at this point is if they went back on what they swore they would never do - put their first party games on their service day 1. Will they, especially after this week's bombshell? Guess we'll see.

I really could go on - the interface is so much cleaner, quicker, more intuitive and much more customizable than Sony's. They have the awesome Rewards system that actually pays you for playing games (I spend *maybe* 5 mins a day clicking a few links, and otherwise just play some games & earn a few 'cheevos & I get $10 a month w/ points to spare). The system is quieter and, personal opinion here to some extent, but looks much better too (it's definitely MUCH smaller, the PS5 is surprisingly huge the first time you see it).

I'm still going to end up with a PS5. Heck, I'm about to sell my Spidy PS4 because it's going for so much right now and go ahead & upgrade, because the PS4's interface is starting to feel pretty laggy. But there's no doubt that it will be for exclusives only, and everything I can play on the Xbox I will. That's a 180 from last gen.
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