The Backlog Check-in Vol. 222: 4/2/22: LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga/MLB The Show 22 Edition

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The Backlog Check-in Vol. 222: 4/2/22: LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga/MLB The Show 22 Edition

Post by Phaseknox »

Played: Astalon: Tears of the Earth, Hunted: The Demon’s Forge, Warhammer: Chaosbane

Finished: Nothing

Playing: Warhammer: Chaosbane

Added: Agony, Empire of Angels IV, Ghost Sync, Itadaki Smash, Torchlight III

I’m still playing Warhammer: Chaosbane, and mildly enjoying it. I actually started it over again playing as Keela the dwarf engineer as I wasn’t really enjoying playing as Elessa the elf archer mainly because her voice actress is bad and not fitting for the character at all. Keela is a better character in general, and her voice actress is perfect for her.

The game itself is a Diablo III knockoff. It’s a rather repetitive isometric view dungeon crawler where you basically fight mobs of enemies, and collect loot every step of the way. It’s mindless fun and just the right challenge on normal, but a little more gameplay variety would have been nice as just slaughtering big groups of enemies and collecting loot through somewhat linear levels void of any exploration, platforming, traps, or puzzles does get a little redundant.

Games releasing this week
Chinatown Detective Agency
Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition
Happy’s Humble Burger Farm
The House of the Dead Remake
Legal Dungeon
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
The Last Friend
MLB The Show 22
Outbreak: Contagious Memories
Whiskey & Zombies
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 222: 4/2/22: LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga/MLB The Show 22 Edition

Post by jfissel »

Finished: Nothing

Now Playing: Final Fantasy VII Remake, Dysmantle

Added to Backlog: Nothing

Current Backlog: 40 games

Did not get a chance to play much last week other than maybe an hour of Dysmantle. I'll work on some more completion % and trophies before switching over to Gran Turismo 7.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 222: 4/2/22: LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga/MLB The Show 22 Edition

Post by canedaddy »

I didn't know (or forgot) that you were into GT. Makes sense given that you are the Machine.

Played recently: Elden Ring

Finished: nothing

Added to backlog: Warhammer: Chaosbane, Battle Chasers: Nightwar

Current backlog: 23 (19 PS4, 4 Switch)

Another week in Elden Ring for the old man. I think I'm at level 44 with 46 hours played. Good times.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 222: 4/2/22: LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga/MLB The Show 22 Edition

Post by isthatallyougot »

I started playing Painkiller Black Edition alongside RDR2 and Unreal World, and wow, what a fun old-school FPS. It's developed by People Can Fly who developed one of my all-time genre favorites in Bulletstorm. It's got a great dark atmosphere with plenty of variety in enemies and environments with really satisfying gunplay.

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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 222: 4/2/22: LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga/MLB The Show 22 Edition

Post by argyle »

Games added: Nothing

Last week: Finished nothing, played Elden Ring.

This week: More ER.

160+ hours now. I'd *like* to try to wrap it up this week, but who knows - I keep discovering new entire areas. :lol: Did I mention the game is BIG?
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 222: 4/2/22: LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga/MLB The Show 22 Edition

Post by Phaseknox »

I expect this to be my game of the year, and I’m not joking:

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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 222: 4/2/22: LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga/MLB The Show 22 Edition

Post by crimson_tide »

:shock: ... :o ... :!: Dang fam Phase, I don't know where that came from but ummm...yes. Yes please :) !

Played:... I beat MVC Infinite. Aside from Ryu dragon punching a dragon from Monster Hunter World and Morrigan being mad horny for Ghost Rider, that was a bust of a story with a garbage final boss. Also, every single character looked terrible. Jesus Triple H Christ, how the hell does Spidey even move with traps like that, his upper body is enormous! Played Adventure Pals a bit...I think that's it actually. It was a weird week :) .

Beat: MVC:I :|

Bought: Last Judgement Ultimate Edition...that was it. Didn't even get cool lifting stuff...

This week: I dunno. We'll see...some old dude told me Fell Seal was dope, maybe I will start that up. Kinda want to see if there's something to play off and on while playing Lost Judgement and a strategy RPG might do it. Catherine is in the running for that spot too. Want to get to Tekken 7 this week as well, still haven't found my fighter yet.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 222: 4/2/22: LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga/MLB The Show 22 Edition

Post by Phaseknox »

I think that I’m nearing the end of Warhammer: Chaosbane, but I’m not sure that I want to keep playing. As a single player game it’s mind-numbingly repetitive, you trek through a somewhat small set of linear levels killing waves of the same few enemy types. This wouldn’t be as bad if the combat was fun, but it pretty much just boils down to button spamming. The story isn’t compelling enough for me to really want to see to the end, and there’s no character development. I’m ready to move onto something else at this point.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 222: 4/2/22: LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga/MLB The Show 22 Edition

Post by canedaddy »

That Showa trailer is interesting. No idea what I'm looking at. Is this a Chinese developer showing us what America will look like after it's conquered by the East? Is this from an anime or something? What is going on at the 1:27 mark?
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 222: 4/2/22: LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga/MLB The Show 22 Edition

Post by Phaseknox »

Your guess is as good as mine. :P

In other news, I started playing Fuse. It’s a third person co-op cover shooter developed by Insomniac, and published by EA. I haven’t played too much of it yet, but so far it’s been fairly cookie-cutter and generic. I guess that I shouldn’t expect much more from a four player co-op shooter than going through linear levels, and shooting waves of enemies. Even playing it single player the other three characters are always with you, and you can switch to any of them with a press of a button. It looks and plays pretty good, it has cool scripted events/set pieces and the characters are constantly talking to each other, but the core gameplay is cover shooting and not much else. It seems to offer enough story, character banter and spectacle to make it entertaining enough to keep playing, but I’m not sure that it’s what I’m in the mood for right now.

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