The Haul Thread 2023

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Re: The Haul Thread 2023

Post by Phaseknox »

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Re: The Haul Thread 2023

Post by argyle »

fantavision 202x.png
jugglers tale.png

I added Juggler's Tale to my wishlist on the Xbox yesterday, and today it went on sale for $6. :P
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
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desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis

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Re: The Haul Thread 2023

Post by Phaseknox »

argyle wrote: Tue Jul 04, 2023 10:27 pmI added Juggler's Tale to my wishlist on the Xbox yesterday, and today it went on sale for $6. :P
Nice, I look forward to hearing what you think of it when you play it.
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Re: The Haul Thread 2023

Post by Phaseknox »

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Re: The Haul Thread 2023

Post by argyle »

I meant to tell you Phase, I was actually looking into Wanted: Dead earlier this week because it was part of Amazon's Prime Day deals - ultimately passed mainly because it was the special edition that they had on sale and I didn't care about that, would rather wait for a cheaper deal on the normal edition - but I'm curious to hear your thoughts on it when you get around to it. :)

And here is my haul from the convention this weekend:

Alter Code F completes my PS2 Wild Arms collection - I had either kept the others or picked them back up a while back before they got expensive. The Suikoden DS game completes my Suikoden collection.

Eternal Poison was for Tam, I had gotten it for her when we first got married & she played it some, then I ended up selling it at some point (with her blessing) but she's mentioned it a few times. Had brought it up this weekend, and I found it today (the last day of the con) at a booth for a pricey $125. Was showing it to her (she didn't remember the name of it, had been describing it to her) and I told her I didn't think either of us wanted it that badly which she quickly agreed. But the guy running the booth overheard us & asked what he had on it. When I told him he says "if it's that much I probably have $60 in it - just give me $70 for it so I can make *something* off of it & it's yours." So we were both very happy about that - disc is pristine, and it's complete with the bonus disc as well.

I had went in looking for the 3 PS2 Shining games, so I feel very happy to have landed 2 out of the 3. Didn't intend to get them sealed necessarily, but that's just how it worked out. Got good deals on both - traded for Shining Force Neo, and the guy knocked $20 off his price today for Shining Force EXA & its guide.

Mystic Heroes is a chibi spin-off of Dyntasty Warriors that I played a little back in the day. The Japanese game is Sengoku Basara X, which is one of the games in Capcom's Warriors-like series. The two Switch games were both new, Grindstone I've talked about on here before and just wanted a physical copy of it, so I'll most likely leave it sealed. The guys who put out Wunderlings had a booth there and I wanted to grab one of their games - that looked like the one that was most up my alley.

Finally the NES games & case. Tam spotted the case early our first day & showed it to me. It was a pretty cool retro case, the gold plate says Nintendo & it holds about 10 NES games. Had $5 marked on it - when I showed it to the guy he kinda laughed & said that wasn't their price sticker but that they'd honor it anyway. We saw several other cases just like it at other booths throughout the day that ranged from $20-$25, and most all of those were in worse condition. So score. :) As for the games, Goonies II is a game I had as a kid that I wanted to pick back up, and the other 3 are all games I never played but have heard really good things about (and are coincidentally all Capcom games).

Really nice haul, I'm very happy with everything. :) Unfortunately I did NOT find the game I wanted to play for my PS2 club game - Whiplash. I figured this game would be easy to find. It's not expensive, and it's also for the original Xbox (which I looked for that version as well). No one had it. Most people I specifically asked about it had no idea what it even was. So I'm going to pick something else this week & keep looking for Whiplash. I know I COULD get it & play it emulated, but I'm enjoying the hunt for some of these & would rather wait until I have it in my hands. :)


Almost forgot - I had also specifically been looking for this controller, got it from the same guy who had the Suikoden game. It's new, so no one else has had their nasty hands on it. :P I think it's gorgeous, so I'm happy to have it. :)
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis

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Re: The Haul Thread 2023

Post by Phaseknox »

argyle wrote: Sun Jul 16, 2023 4:44 pmI meant to tell you Phase, I was actually looking into Wanted: Dead earlier this week because it was part of Amazon's Prime Day deals - ultimately passed mainly because it was the special edition that they had on sale and I didn't care about that, would rather wait for a cheaper deal on the normal edition - but I'm curious to hear your thoughts on it when you get around to it. :)
The standard edition is on sale for $29.99 for all platforms, and the collector’s edition is on sale for $39.99 for all platforms. As soon as it arrives this week from Amazon I’m going to play it, and post impressions.
argyle wrote: Sun Jul 16, 2023 4:44 pmAlter Code F completes my PS2 Wild Arms collection - I had either kept the others or picked them back up a while back before they got expensive. The Suikoden DS game completes my Suikoden collection.
Nice, both are great games. I’m glad that your collections are complete now.
argyle wrote: Sun Jul 16, 2023 4:44 pmAs for the games, Goonies II is a game I had as a kid that I wanted to pick back up, and the other 3 are all games I never played but have heard really good things about (and are coincidentally all Capcom games).
I really liked The Goonies II back in the day, Little Nemo: The Dream Master is a really good platformer, Strider is ok but I was disappointed with it since it was nothing like the arcade game which I loved and I never played Willow.
argyle wrote: Sun Jul 16, 2023 4:44 pmUnfortunately I did NOT find the game I wanted to play for my PS2 club game - Whiplash.
I remember Whiplash, I had it for Xbox and thought that it was a fun and funny game.
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Re: The Haul Thread 2023

Post by canedaddy »

Nice haul, argyle! Great to see the Wild Arms, Shining Force and Suikoden games. I have SF EXA in my backlog... some day I might just play it!
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Re: The Haul Thread 2023

Post by isthatallyougot »

Nice pickups argyle! I've been doing the opposite. I recently sold a chunk of my physical collection. (I took *significantly* less than it was worth and still sold it for $20K just to be done with it.) I'm so over *stuff*. (not just game related either - I just can't stand having "things", with a few exceptions. I like to be as unencumbered as possible.) I've still held onto quite a bit though, but I really think I might want to get rid of most of that too. If I want to play, I can emulate - either on original hardware or PC. I've already bought it *all* :P, so I have no qualms. It's not like buying from an ebay reseller gives the content owners more money, and they've already been paid by me in the first place anyway. And even the things I haven't bought, I think the industry would be satisfied with the overall trade in terms of what they've got from me in return for what I'm "taking". I've been a real whale of a customer.

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Re: The Haul Thread 2023

Post by Phaseknox »

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Re: The Haul Thread 2023

Post by Phaseknox »

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Dead or Alive 5: Last Round
Deception IV: The Nightmare Princess
Scars Above
XCOM 2: War of the Chosen
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