The Backlog Check-in Vol. 122: 5/2/20: LTTP Edition

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The Backlog Check-in Vol. 122: 5/2/20: LTTP Edition

Post by Phaseknox »

Played: Final Fantasy VII, Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet, The Witcher III: Wild Hunt

Finished (playing): Final Fantasy VII, Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet

Playing: The Witcher III: Wild Hunt

Since Final Fantasy VII Remake came out recently, I got in the mood to play the original Final Fantasy VII. I gave it a good chance back when it originally came out, but it failed to hold my interest. A big part of it was due to the inconsistency of the graphics with silly looking cartoonish LEGO block type characters moving over detailed/realistic pre-rendered backgrounds while during combat they looked good, and nothing like the blocky/stumpy ones in the navigational part of the game. Also, during the CG cut-scenes sometimes the characters were the blocky/stumpy ones and sometimes they were the realistic ones. WTF? I don't think that I've ever played a game with such an inconsistency to the visuals, and it was definitely off-putting while playing. And it was also difficult to take its dark and dramatic storyline and events seriously when a lot of it was conveyed by the humorous looking LEGO block characters. The game itself has a lot of silliness in it giving it a bit of an identity crisis. It's part serious dark dystopian drama, and part slapstick comedy. It all just failed to really work for me, and I never quite understood why it's heralded as one of the best RPGs ever made.

With that said, I was enjoying it more now than I did in the past because I was finding charm and humor in its mismatched serious/comedic story/events, and inconsistent graphics (LEGO block characters in realistic looking environments/normal characters in battle). The story and characters are both good, and there's an overall old school JRPG "cuteness" to it despite its overarching dark theme. But while I was somewhat enjoying it, there are other more current games that I would rather be playing now such as The Witcher III: Wild Hunt.

I know that I'm late to the party, but I'm finally playing The Witcher III despite owning it for years. I figured that it would be a good game to play before The Last of Us Part II comes out next month. I didn't really like The Witcher II, and found it to be overrated. It was good, but not great IMO. The story and characters were entertaining, but it was fairly linear without much to do off the beaten path and the core gameplay and combat weren't very fun. The Witcher III feels like a different game with its big open world quest driven design, and improved gameplay and combat. While it offers a cinematic story, the actual core gameplay is the main focus unlike the previous game. I haven't played too much yet, but I've definitely liked what I've played so far.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 122: 5/2/20: LTTP Edition

Post by crimson_tide »

Played: Fist of the North Star Lost Paradise, Gargoyles Quest...Smash Bros Ultimate. My wife made me play it. I still don't...seriously, why is Smash Bros? It's so dang weird, have you seen those menus?!? They are gibberish. Why do people like this? Well now my wife does so I will have to continue least I unlocked Sonic. He sucks in Smash. Bummer.

Beat: Nothing

Bought Gargoyles Quest, Gargoyles Quest 2, Demon's Crest, the Warioland games 1-3

Lost Paradise is the most PS2 ass PS4 game ever released. Even PS2 to PS4 rereleases are not as PS2 as Lost Paradise. For me, not a bad thing. For the world, I can see why it was so overlooked. It's like they made this in 2005 or so and it never got released then they just updated the graphics a tad and finally put it out there. The biggest issue is the map is too small to make the constant running around for the side stories. The last chapter I beat last night though was probably way more interesting than it has any right to be. Even the boss was way different than anything I ever dealt with in any Yakuza style game. But alas, it's not enough to really make a strong recommendation. It's ridiculously over the top with violence but everything is a step down back to Yakuza 2. It's a shame. I will beat it this weekend and go back to Odyssey I guess.

I bought a bunch of eshop stuff because I figure it will close soon for 3ds. I went through and these were what I really wanted for sure. Mystical Ninja and Mega Man V GB might be the last purchases I make, I own all the other stuff they have that I would want.

Phase...I have had Witcher 3 since the day I got a PS4. I have dabbled in it but I haven't gotten into it for some reason. It just doesn't click for some reason. I should try to give it a good go sooner or later.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 122: 5/2/20: LTTP Edition

Post by Phaseknox »

crimson_tide wrote: Fri May 08, 2020 3:51 pmPhase...I have had Witcher 3 since the day I got a PS4. I have dabbled in it but I haven't gotten into it for some reason. It just doesn't click for some reason. I should try to give it a good go sooner or later.
I've put some good time into it now, and based on what I've played of it so far it's a fairly by the numbers third person open world fantasy action RPG. What I've seen of the game world is vast, but also rather same-y looking with similar fields/forests/wilderness, caves, villages and military forts. It looks like historically accurate medieval times lacking any fantasy aesthetics which is a bit dull for a fantasy RPG IMO.

Outside of the main storyline quests the game itself seems a little repetitive in nature with you traversing through forests/wilderness and villages on horseback, and taking on side quests primarily consisting of hunting down and killing beasts/creatures/monsters/wraiths. I heard that all of the side quests in the game were varied and offered mini-stories, but that hasn't really been the case. While there have been some that have been more involved than others, a lot have been monster hunting/killing contracts. With so much monster fighting in the main storyline and out in the world while traversing it, I don't want the majority of the side content to be that as well.

The story, characters, gameplay and combat are all good, and Geralt is a main protagonist that I enjoy playing as. I usually prefer playing as female protagonists in games because I find male protagonists to often be generic and/or douche-y, and female protagonists are also nicer to look at while playing as well. ;)

I'm enjoying the game, but I'm not finding it to be quite as good as other similar open world action RPGs like Assassin's Creed Origins, Dragon Age Inquisition, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Horizon Zero Dawn, Mass Effect: Andromeda, etc.. But I do like it more than Kingdom Come: Deliverance, and Red Dead Redemption II.
Last edited by Phaseknox on Sat May 09, 2020 11:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 122: 5/2/20: LTTP Edition

Post by crimson_tide »

So I did it. And it's deleted from my system. And it's a really solid PS2 game, that Lost Paradise. It really, really has a super eerie resemblance to Yakuza 2 at the end there. I was like...huh. This is dumb familiar as my students would say. It's a solid little game that gets way, way, WAY too grindy if you want to do everything. The buggy is cool but it's so hard to upgrade so you can't participate in a lot. The wasteland search is cool...but too random. The hostesses are so particular to recruit. It's all a lot of busy work for very little return. I spent fifty hours on it and saw it through, just ashame it doesn't hit those Yakuza 0 highs. It really could have been something special. But what's there is solid. And I am glad I played it while taking my time to dig into it a lot. It's no Yakuza or Judgment but it's a great diversion if you are looking for a Kamarucho style adventure but not in Kamarucho. More like post apocalyptic desert wasteland Kamarucho where they still have hostess clubs. For some reason.

So Phase...Andromeda is more appealing than Witcher 3? Interesting, so many people are on Witcher 3's jock. I get a Shadow of Mordor vibe from it. Much like you, I like crazy high fantasy nonsense. Mordor and Witcher are like...grounded? They just don't pop. I am not trying to bash or saying the games are bad, they just don't pop the way something like Dragon's Dogma does. The first thing you do in Dogma is fight a chimera thing and then the dragon nonsense happens and the pawn stuff. So dumb but so fun. Witcher might have that nutty whimsy I like but it sure is playing its cards close. I tried it again in March for the 4th or 5th time and fell off quick and ended up playing AC Origins and never looked back. Keep me updated Phase. You stick with things way longer than I do :P so I appreciate your thoughts :)!
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Re: The Backlog Check-in Vol. 122: 5/2/20: LTTP Edition

Post by Phaseknox »

crimson_tide wrote: Sat May 09, 2020 9:58 pmSo Phase...Andromeda is more appealing than Witcher 3?
Yes, it's one of my favorite games this gen. You can read why here:
crimson_tide wrote: Sat May 09, 2020 9:58 pmso many people are on Witcher 3's jock.
Yeah, I'm liking it the more that I play it but I still have yet to get why so many people gush over it so much.
crimson_tide wrote: Sat May 09, 2020 9:58 pmI get a Shadow of Mordor vibe from it. Much like you, I like crazy high fantasy nonsense. Mordor and Witcher are like...grounded? They just don't pop. I am not trying to bash or saying the games are bad, they just don't pop the way something like Dragon's Dogma does. The first thing you do in Dogma is fight a chimera thing and then the dragon nonsense happens and the pawn stuff. So dumb but so fun. Witcher might have that nutty whimsy I like but it sure is playing its cards close. I tried it again in March for the 4th or 5th time and fell off quick and ended up playing AC Origins and never looked back. Keep me updated Phase. You stick with things way longer than I do :P so I appreciate your thoughts :)!
When it comes to RPGs I definitely prefer dark fantasy, high fantasy and sci-fi to more grounded in reality stuff. I really like Dragon's Dogma which I consider dark fantasy, and Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning which is high fantasy and one of my favorite RPGs last gen. With that said, The Witcher III has been picking up a bit with fantasy elements but the game world itself is still grounded in reality more than I would like. It's a little hard to get excited about seeing more fields/forests/swamps/wilderness, caves, villages, etc.
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